What To Expect From a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle

Female Chihuahuas can make wonderful, loving family pets. In fact, many people prefer them because they don’t mark their territory like their male counterparts. If you plan on raising a female Chihuahua, though, you’ll need to be aware of their heat cycle. This is a critical time in their life that requires special care and attention; otherwise, you could end up with a litter of unwanted puppies around the home.

Female Chihuahua

Like all dogs, female Chihuahuas must be properly cared for when they go into heat. This is when they are most fertile and will draw the attention of any nearby males. In addition, Chihuahuas in heat will also bleed, which means you’ll have to come up with a solution to prevent it from getting on the floor. Keep reading and we’ll take a closer look at what to expect during a Chihuahua’s heat cycle.

When Will My Chihuahua Have Her First Heat Cycle?

It’s important to note that all Chihuahuas are different, and unfortunately there’s no easy way to tell exactly when your Chihuahua will have her first heat cycle. Some of them will experience it early, while it may take others well over a year. With that said, most female Chihuahuas will have their first heat cycle between the ages of 6 months to one year.

If your Chihuahua still hasn’t gone through her first heat cycle by the age of 18 months, talk to your veterinarian to see if there’s an underlying health problem. A simple checkup by a professional vet can reveal whether your Chihuahua has a defect or if she’s a late bloomer. On rare occasions, female Chihuahuas may not experience their first heat cycle until they are 2 years old. For your Chihuahua’s sake, though, take her to the vet to check for any serious health problems.

Also, you should NEVER allow your Chihuahua to breed during her first heat cycle. This is a sensitive time when her organs and body are adjusting to this natural process. Allowing her to become impregnated places her at greater risk for complications. If you care about the health and well-being of your Chihuahua, wait until her second heat cycle at the very least.

Chihuahua Heat Cycle

Evaluating The Different Stages of a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle

Contrary to what some people may believe, there are actually several different stages of a Chihuahua’s heat cycle. While most owners assume there is only one, there are actually a total of 4 different stages, all of which are unique in their own way.

Generally, female Chihuahuas will go into heat (lasting approximately 3 weeks) about once or twice a year.

Here are the stages of a typical female Chihuahua’s heat cycle:

Proestrus – The first stage of a Chihuahua’s heat cycle, Proestrus, may or may not be easy for owners to identify. Some Chihuahuas will exhibit clear, concise symptoms that include bleeding, swollen nipples, excessive licking and a general shift in mood change. Others, however, may exhibit few (if any) symptoms.

The most effective way to determine if a Chihuahua is going through the Proestrus stage is to closely observe and monitor their behavior. Typically, Chihuahuas at this stage of their heat cycle will begin to chase males around in a playful or even somewhat aggravating manner. It’s not uncommon to find your female Chihuahua constantly badgering any nearby males.

Estrus – The second stage, known as Estrus, occurs about one week after the Proestrus stage. During this time, Chihuahuas are fertile and ready to breed. While most Chihuahuas won’t allow the male to mate with her during the Proestrus stage, they will however allow it during the Estrus stage.

Identifying a Chihuahua in heat during the Estrus stage shouldn’t be overly difficult. They will have swollen, bleeding genitals and the desire to couple with nearby male Chihuahuas. Males will also be more attracted to the female due to the scent of her discharge.

Diestrus – As long as the female Chihuahua did not become impregnated, she will enter the Diestrus stage immediately following Estrus. This is essentially a rest period that lasts for 30-90 days when the Chihuahua’s body is given time to recuperate. She will no longer seek the attention of males, and her body parts will gradually begin to go back to their normal size.

If a female Chihuahua was impregnated, she will skip the Diestrus stage and enter the early stages of pregnancy. Pregnant Chihuahuas will continue to exhibit large, puffy nipples and swollen genitals.

Anestrus – The last stage in a Chihuahua’s heat cycle, Anestrus, is a cooling down period when the body and organs are finally getting back to normal. Owners won’t notice any visible signs of a heat cycle when their Chihuahua is going through Anestrus. Chihuahua will have normal-sized genitals, no bleeding or discharge and regular moods.

The Anestrus stage will last somewhere between 2-6 months until they begin the heat cycle over again.

Happy Female Chihuahua

Tips on Dealing With a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle

The good news is that most Chihuahuas will only be in heat for approximately 3 weeks. The bad news, however, is that you’ll need to give them extra care and attention to ensure everything runs smoothly. Far too many owners brush off the heat cycle as a “natural” occurrence without giving their Chihuahua the care she needs during this special time.

Follow these tips for a better, smoother heat cycle:

  • From the time you notice the first sight of your Chihuahua’s heat cycle, keep her separated from any nearby males (unless you want her to get pregnant of course). This means always walking her on a leash and never allowing her to run off.
  • Female Chihuahuas can be a bit more cranky during their heat cycle, so use caution when handling them.
  • Use a doggie diaper or wrap your Chihuahua’s bottom up in a blanket to prevent her from bleeding everywhere.
  • Don’t make the assumption that your Chihuahua is no longer fertile just because she’s no longer bleeding. Depending on her biology, she could still be fertile for weeks after bleeding. The bottom line is that you need to keep her separated from males until you are completely sure she is no longer fertile.





    • Michelle
    • August 8, 2018

    My little girl just finished her first heat cycle but I’m worried that a male might have gotten to her before I realized she was in heat I was in the middle of moving and left her at my sister’s house for about 4 days and the day after I brought her home I noticed she was bleeding now 4 weeks later and everything is over her tits seem to be getting bigger! They actually have knots under them has anyone else experienced knots with there puppy without a pregnancy

    • Wendy
    • July 16, 2018

    Our chihuahua dolly is on the season is it normal for her to cry a lot

      • Jennifer
      • August 23, 2018

      I’m going to the same issue with my little girl she’s in heat and she is very whiny and very needy

        • Chris Nelson
        • October 7, 2018

        My Chihuahua is a rescue. I’ve had her three months and noticed a big change in her behavior in the last week. Her light pink nipples are raised and brownish in color. I am perplexed by her moods and clinginess. Why does she look sad?

    • Michelle Smith
    • June 9, 2018

    How do I care for my Chihuahua when she’s in heat? Her vulva is swollen and I don’t know what to do to give her comfort.

    • Tina Nichole
    • May 19, 2018

    I have 3 rescue chihuahuas but only one of them is a female. We think she is about 3 years old and we haven’t taken her in to be fixed yet and only one of my males is fixed. I have been thinking about letting them have just one litter a nd then get them both fixed. My question is my female weighs about 3 lbs and my boy is about 8 or 9 lbs. Is their size difference too much to let them breed together without there being pregnancy complications or the chance of her dieing during the babies birth.

      • ana
      • June 3, 2018

      Yes it would harm the female why because she would have complications delivering due to big pups

      • JG6874
      • June 7, 2018

      Your Male is way to big for your female
      And will probably result in a C section or possibly even death
      He is just to big for her
      It will be cheaper to have them fixed

      • Tammy Merritt
      • June 15, 2018

      Please do not let her breed. At 3lb she is far too small to become pregnant. Pregnancy could result in death and she will most deffinately need a C section. Also you should never breed a larger male chihuahua with a smaller female. If it was the other way around there would be no problem. In fact it’s preferred the male to be a lot smaller. I hope you see this message in time x

      • Beverly
      • June 25, 2018

      Male needs to be smaller than female.

      • Kathy Evans
      • June 26, 2018

      Yes, way too much of a difference. Male should be small; female larger.

      • Kimberly
      • July 5, 2018

      You always want the male to be 3 to 3 lbs smaller than the female

        • Debbie L Cheney
        • March 8, 2019

        My female us 8lbs. I want to breed her with my sisters 5 lb. Mini yorkie. Would that be ok?

      • T Payne
      • July 26, 2018

      Please don’t. You want the mother to be bigger than the father, otherwise she will not be able to birth them because they are too large and will require a c-section to save both the mother and her pups.

      • Amy
      • September 2, 2018

      This lil girl is far to small to be bred with a male that size general rule is female to b bigger than the male

      • Melissa
      • January 11, 2019

      Yes it is recommended that you breed a female with a smaller male or you risce her having compliacations during the birth of her pups

      • Elaine
      • August 18, 2019

      Keep her clean and warm and she will be fine!

      • FRANKIE
      • January 25, 2020

      Yes the Male should always be smaller than the female when breeding or there could be devastating consequences!!!

    • Kelly
    • May 13, 2018

    I have 2 year mix. Dog and she is in heat and how lond would she stay in heat for

    • Amanda
    • May 13, 2018

    My female chi is about 2 years old. She just came out of her first real heat, but no bleeding.. just swelled female parts , tons of licking 🤢 , and the hiding/ grumpy- ness. Is it normal for them to not bleed? When should she go into another heat. I wanna breed her once!

      • Nadia Aragon
      • March 13, 2019

      My femal chihuahua is in heat now but isn’t bleeding either . I wonder if that’s normal?

    • Alicia
    • May 6, 2018

    My Little Gracie is about 10 years old. She is in heat but she is bleeding way more than normal. It is practically pouring out of her. I am worried. I can’t get her to the vet until tomorrow

      • Michelle
      • October 26, 2019

      What did you find out??

    • Tieheshia M Johnson
    • May 1, 2018

    Hello.. Whey one, I just wanted to know was there any body on here breeding chui.pups??

      • Christina
      • May 3, 2018

      I have a male chi-chi and he makes beautiful babies. Where do you live? Christina the chi-chi momma.

      • Sonja
      • May 19, 2018

      I am looking for a fawn colored small male chihuahua that can still breed. My female Chihuahua is in heat the stage at where she can get pregnant anybody win the Florida Keys that’s ready to father a really pretty little chihuahua?

      • Sonja
      • May 19, 2018

      I am looking for a fawn colored small male chihuahua that can still breed. My female Chihuahua is in heat the stage at where she can get pregnant anybody in the Florida Keys that’s ready to father a really pretty little chihuahua? Schatzi weighs 11 lb. From what I understand the mail should be just a little smaller. I do not plan on selling these dogs or using her for a breeder I just wanted to let her have puppies one time and have Bunches of little Chihuahuas are running around my yard. I take very good care of them with Heartgard and monthly flea and tick and keep them up with their shots I have the paperwork to prove it. Schatzi he does not have papers

      • Lynsey McCourt
      • June 23, 2018

      Hi, I’ve bred my chiuhuhas and the puppies went a few months ago, however, she’s just starting to show signs of heat cycle again so fingers crossed she’ll be ready again soon so hopefully have more pups very soon if I do al let you know the last litter were all lilac

    • Penny
    • April 30, 2018

    My Chihuahua been in heat since the frist part of April but her bottom is still swollen. Do that mean she can get pregnant??

    • Meredith
    • April 25, 2018

    Y’all just have Vet on call you be fine relax and breath the calmer you are the smoother things will go !!!

    • Roman
    • April 25, 2018

    What does it mean if my dogs nipples are big but only 2 and her stomach has gotten bigger

    • Luiz M. Zuniga
    • April 20, 2018

    I have a female teacup Chihuahua 8 months and she is in the 2nd part of her heat stages her heat stages are passing faster than the articles say she should be which concerns me but she’s a little confused about the way she should be mating she humps all the males from the rear and the males are fixed thank God since their breeds are black lab and rat terrier are these issues going to be a problem and if so what should I do

    • Robin Cruickshank
    • April 2, 2018

    I have a Chihuahua who will be a Year old this month, (April, 2018). Shelby went into her first Heat around 6 months old. Her Daddy was my first Chihuahua, (Jack). He mated with our neighbors who lived directly behind us. They have about 7 Chihuahuas. So my Shelby’s Mom resides behind us. IMPORTANT PART.. I believe that my Shelby is going into heat. I’m not sure but she is acting very peculiar. Her genitals aren’t swollen or red, nor are her nipples swollen. But she has been whining and obsessed with one of her little squeaky toys. This behavior is very odd and she never mind unless she sees her daddy when he comes home from work. But now all she does is Carrie her little yellow chick e squeaky toy around and whine and I was thinking it was because she couldn’t get it to squeak. Now I am just thinking like a light bulb went off in my head that maybe she is about to go into heat because she has been acting this way for about 4 days now. It has been approximately 527 months since her last Heat or I should say her first heat because she is almost exactly one year old. Any advice from your experience with your little doggie slash Chihuahua would be so very appreciated!! Thank you so very much for your time and have a blessed day! Sincerely, Robin C.

    • Lori DaRosa
    • March 30, 2018

    My little girl is in heat. She has been trying to make puppies (humping) my arms, legs, feet etc. How long does this phase last? I understand she is uncomfortable. How can I make her feel better?

    • Lorraine DaRosa
    • March 30, 2018

    My little girl is in heat. She has been trying to make puppies (humping) my arms, legs, feet etc. How long does this phase last? I understand she is uncomfortable. How can I make her feel better?

    • destiny
    • March 26, 2018

    hey my name is destiny my chihuhua was in heat once should i be worried if she doesnt get in heat again? she haasnt been heat for at least 6 months.

    • Janice
    • March 23, 2018

    I have a Chihuahua she’s about three years old she’s been in heat for maybe two weeks I think she might be over another three days when is it OK she can mate with another Chihuahua?

    • Anna
    • February 25, 2018

    Hi I have a 7 month in a half old chihuahua and she’s in heat for about 2 weeks in a half how long more will she be in heat please help this is my first time owning a puppy and don’t now much

    • jennifer
    • February 17, 2018

    Hello need help what can I do to make my Maya more comfortable she seems to be whining a lot she had 9 months old in about a couple of days ago came into her heat and just started bleeding

    • Laura white
    • February 13, 2018

    I also have a male and female never has been pregnant he got her the first time ever and they stuck for at least 15 minutes does this mean she is pregnant

    • Catherine Carr
    • February 10, 2018

    I have a 21/2 year old and she’s in just stopped bleeding. I have her in Kinney with my friends chawawa. Jasmine play with him and chases him. She lets him smell and lick her,but they haven’t mated yet. Will she ever let him? This will be her first time marring. Is it that she don’t know what to do? Help me. I want her to mate

      • Catherine Carr
      • August 17, 2018

      My chawawa just got needed 3 weeks ago. How long would it be to see if she’s pregnant? The first time was false pregnancy.

      • christine
      • November 8, 2019

      She will let him when she’s ready. It can take two or three heats before she’ll mate. I had one that was seven years old and never would mate

    • 4 myself
    • February 6, 2018

    I have a question my female just went into her heat put her 6 month old runt pup was still nursing now he refuses to eat or drink i went ahead and put him back on formula for puppies and mow it looks like he happy is that ok?

    • Ted Potter Jr
    • February 1, 2018

    I was told buy a veterinarian but it might dog or Chihuahua has just come out of heat approximately a week or so ago and finish the last stage of heat cycle that it would cost us a little bit more money to have her spaded because of some sort of swelling I don’t know what that means can you elaborate or explain cuz I’m trying to understand why if she’s not in heat no more and she done with her heat cycle completely why they charging me more money when I was told once her heat cycle is completely done she’s elderly fixed

    • my chiquita
    • January 22, 2018

    my lil chiquita has been in heat now for over a lil bit of a week now. i have been pretty good at monitoring her from her 2 sons that we kept,one is from her first litter and the second is from her second litter only his dad is from her first litter lol yes incest only it wasn’t planned just to clarify lol. anyways , i have been pretty cautious this time around cause i didn’t want to happen like the first time with her son from the first litter. its been over a week since she went into heat and i let her outside to go potty for her first days potty session from just getting up. i checked the yard to make sure no unwanted strays were in the yard and there wasn’t, i came back in to get the trash and a stray made himself in and might have got chiquita but im not certain.

      • Janice
      • March 23, 2018

      I have a Chihuahua it’s about three years old she’s been in heat I think she might be over maybe in another three days when is it OK to mate with another Chihuahua?

    • Ian Godden
    • December 23, 2017

    I have a 8 month female I have not seen any blood but her nipples are bigger

      • Ryan
      • January 21, 2018

      We have the same problem, she went through heat, her genitals seem to have returned to a normal size but her nipples are still swollen, weeks after the heat cycle has finished

        • Cindy Lou
        • March 29, 2018

        My little girl went into heart almost 3 weeks ago (started bleeding). She finally stopped bleeding, but she is still swollen & out of nowhere her nipples were suddenly swollen AFTER the bleeding stopped. I’m actually kinda worried. Idk if this is normal or not.
        There is zero chance that she is pregnant. No makes in the home and I’ve watched her like a hawk

      • Veronica Clarkson
      • February 4, 2018

      I have an eight month old Chihuahua as well and a five-year-old male Chihuahua her nipples are bigger and she is bleeding I believe that she’s in stage III right now and my male dog is going crazy following her everywhere and it’s becoming quite the challenge to keep him away from her

      • Billie Bruce
      • April 7, 2018

      My female hit her first heat at 10 months

    • Diamond
    • December 20, 2017

    My Chihuahua will be 7yrs old next month and I think she’s pregnant…could this be dangerous for her?

      • kay
      • December 30, 2017


    • Shirley Baglin- taylor
    • December 15, 2017

    I have 8yr old Chihuahua. Is she to old for puppies? How do I tell when she is in heat?

      • Gold mouse
      • April 21, 2018


    • Tracy
    • November 19, 2017

    Have had my lil girl just over a year, was told she was pregnant, but she was not She then went into heat but I saw very little blood and she hasn’t went into heat again should I be concerned?

      • kay
      • December 30, 2017

      There are silent heats where they show no signs. Also false pregnancy.

    • Sacha
    • October 3, 2017

    I have a 12 yr old ….3 lb chi. She is a master at humping constantly…..but is currently in heat again. She never ever comes in contact with other dogs because she is always on a leash….and is quite frankly scared to death of other dogs. Is there a menopause for my old gal? When she is in heat she is very high maintenance….which is ok….i have nothing but love and attention for her…..but im curious if it ever stops. The full on humping is both talented and impressive….but also embarrassing since she seems to be a bit of an exhibitionist. Any advice?

      • Linda
      • October 15, 2017

      If she was mine I would take her to a vet to do a simple hormone test. If it’s not hormones it may be learned behaviour. I am sure a good vet can lead you to a dog psychologist or even the veteran nurse may help you if they think behaviour classes may help. No dog is too old to learn despite the old saying ☺️ Good luck 😉

      • Nikki
      • November 2, 2017

      Maybe the humping is a sign of heat and when she stops she’s no longer in heat. My chi humps her stuffed toys but she’s 5 years and I have never seen her bleed but she does go through a humping stage.

        • Elizabeth Jackiw
        • December 12, 2019

        I have a female Chihuahua that will be 5 years old in February she humps on her toys all year around and I’ve only seen her bleed two times with very little blood
        it’s very hard to tell when my baby is in heat the vet says I should get her fixed because she has had seizures and he says that could be causing the seizures because she’s not fixed

      • Brittany house
      • December 14, 2017

      I have a female and she just turned 14 years old and weights 4 pounds and she hasnt had her period in 3-4 years and when i took her to the vet the vet said she stopped getting it but however i also have another female and shes 10 years old and she still gets hers and i took her to the vet for it amd had said to her that my other chihuahua stopped getting hers at this age and my vet explained to me that it has nothing to do wiyh age rather than her life .

      • Tina Nichole
      • May 19, 2018

      I wouldn’t be concerned about your little girl doing the naughty all the time. Every chihuahua I have had does it. What I did was bought each of the girls their very own stuffed animal. I would buy a totally different one for each so there was no confusion as to which toy belonged to which girl. Now I only have one girl and her hump buddy is a stuffed turtle. It’s kinda funny because after every meal is when she does her thing trying to create baby stuffed chiturtles. Lol.
      It’s totally normal what your little girl is doing. But when you buy her toy try to buy it the same size that she is. It seems to be more comfortable for the girls when you do it that way.
      Good luck with your little girl. Also chihuahuas are what they call nesters and it is a good thing for you to have for her, her very own baby blanket. They like to be in their blankie all the time. It is comforting to them and reduces any stress she may have. Even if they don’t have any stress they love it.

        • Stacy
        • September 1, 2020

        I have a 2 pound one year old female and her favorite thing to hump is our 20 pound male cat.ahe has been doing it since she was about six months old.

    • Sandra McKeehan
    • September 15, 2017

    Our baby girl experienced false pregnancy after being in heat. She stopped eating, drinking water and almost died. Now looks like she is in heat again. This all happened earlier this year. We are petrified right now..Is this normal?

      • Judy
      • December 7, 2017

      No this is not normal.She needs to be seen by her very right away

      • Emily Clarkson
      • February 7, 2018

      I have a famale she just got out of heat around 3 wks ago and now she is discharging and not eatings for a wks now but she is drinking water and not being herself what do i need to do

      • Gold mouse
      • April 21, 2018

      No! Take her to the vet!!!

    • Ali
    • August 4, 2017

    I have 2 female chihuahuas (8months) Harper and Poppy. One of them is in season 2 weeks now but I find she wanting to hump the other chihuahua. Is this normal?

      • melehi
      • August 19, 2017

      I don’t know if being in heat would cause this. I have two females and one male, all neutered at 6 months. The largest is a female and she humps the male dog all the time, especially when they are playing and wrestling around. He doesn’t hump her though. I have read that this humping is simply a way of one dog showing dominance over another and has nothing to do with anything sexual. My large female is definitely the alpha dog among the 3 and seems to “rule the roost”, so it makes sense to me that she would want to dominate the others.

        • Brian Cornelius
        • September 19, 2017

        I have a 3 year old,neutered, American Bulldog. About a month ago I rescued a younger female chihuahua. They will play and wrestle around and Xena, the chihuahua, will mount Conan, the bulldog, and make humping motions. He is real laid back and easy going. A real gentle giant.

      • Ms. Drey
      • September 6, 2017

      Mine too! I think that’s a great question and I hope someone gives an answer.

      • Shelly Beam
      • September 24, 2017

      My 3 year old chihuahua babygirl always humps any stuffed animal that she can especially right now why she’s in active heat cycle. They need extra love and attention during this time and if not wanting to be pregnant this it’s very important to not let any male Chihuahuas around them period.

      • kay
      • December 30, 2017

      It can be a dominance thing. My older female does it.

    • sherry
    • July 30, 2017

    Do they ever stop going into heat and if so at what age?

    • Ana
    • July 19, 2017

    My female is 1.5 years old and in heat nearly a week now. I say nearly because I haven’t kept track of when she began because I wasn’t planning on letting her have a litter. Well a 6 yr old male Chihuahua has tried to mount her and it was only for a second. I want to know if she could get pregnant? Her spotting has been dark brownish for 2-3 days now. I dont want puppies.. she is only 1 year and 6 months old… is that too young for a litter? Could this hurt her? I am worrying now. Stressed out….

      • Bonnie
      • February 6, 2018

      You’ve nothing to worry about. Had a conception occured, you would know it! It may only last a minute but if his penis finds its way inside your female, they will be “stuck” together, unable to separate.

    • Michael & Rosetta
    • July 18, 2017

    My eight month old is in heat, she is swollen and licking herself and want to stay in bed under the covers with me and my wife. Please help don’t know what to do. Also she has not started bleeding. ( HELP ).

      • Kathy
      • September 26, 2017

      My Chihuahuas 5 mos. Old. 4 days ago she woke up with some swelling, licking, and staying in bed, not wanting to listen an mind.

    • Mark-n-Carry
    • July 15, 2017

    My oldest girl got pregnant 1st heat and had 7 pups, 5 lived. The other 2 she was just worn out and couldn’t push them out in ample time for them to live. My other chi girl had a very light heat cycle right behind her and not is in Heat again. I pray that my male got her and all goes well.

      • Mark-n-Carry
      • July 15, 2017

      Now in heat***

      • Nancy riddle
      • August 26, 2017

      How do u write it off on taxes and I have a 5/12 month old toy Apple head Chihuahua female

    • Amy
    • July 10, 2017

    My best friend died recently, leaving me with her 11 year old unaltered chihuahua. Lucy has been bleeding for at least 2 weeks now. I’m trying to spend grieving time with her, but because of the blood spots, I have to keep her at a distance. PLEASE spay and neuter your pets!

      • Lisa Burford
      • September 27, 2017

      If your chi is bleeding and you don’t want her spayed you can get those washable cloth diapers. Also, doesn’t not getting them spayed give them a higher risk of cancer? I gave a 6 month old chi and didn’t want to have her spayed ust because it’s not necessary- our male chi is 4 and is neutered. But then I remembered it can cause her to get cancer do now I’m thinking I will get her spayed.

        • Kayla
        • February 25, 2018

        We were told by our vet long time ago that every time a bitch goes I’m heat it takes a year off their life and I rescued my oldest chihuahua at 5 years old I was under the assumption that she had been spayed and two years later she had never had a heat cycle I am so thankful that my vet was able to save her because she got pyrometria and had to have a emergency hysterectomy and it’s all because she never had a regular heat cycle and now we have added another chihuahua to our babies she is 9 months now just went into heat cycle and as soon as she is done she will be getting spayed please have your female fur babies spayed for their health

        • Cindy Lou
        • March 29, 2018

        I got two pair of washable diapers at Petco for about $17 for my 4 pound Chi.

        I line them with unscented Carefree pantyliners (they are the same thing you can get from the pet store, but a little pack of 20-22 only cost 94 cents at Walmart). I change them when she goes out to use the bathroom. I do the same for my female Sheltie when she is in heat. It works very well and, I feel it is more sanitary for them than wearing the same pair of “hot pants” all day long. Then I alternate the actual pants every day so I can wash the previously used pair & hang them to dry.

        I also make sure to give her the chance to lick/ groom herself several times per day (usually just after coming back inside from going out to pee).

        • Kimberly
        • September 22, 2018

        I asked my vet if my chi could get cancer due to not being spayed and she said no.

      • Amy D.
      • April 5, 2018

      It is best if you go get her a pair of pants for bleeding. If you push her away when she is experiencing this cycle she may not bond with you at all or it could be an ongoing challenge. They are very sensitive creatures.

      I have one in her second cycle and she doesn’t want to be alone at all.

    • Alexis
    • July 9, 2017

    PLEASEEE HELP!!! my puppy (8 months) just went into heat and she’s bleeding a lot every 2-3 hrs and her gums are yellow and she won’t walk or even move. She won’t drink or eat. What’s wrong plz help!!

      • Robin
      • July 24, 2017

      Hi Alexis,
      If you haven’t by now. You need to have you dog looked at . Your vet can tell you what to do.

        • Linda
        • October 15, 2017

        Precise and great advice!

      • Linda
      • October 15, 2017

      That should have said MEDICAL ADVICE

      • Cathy Wilkinson
      • October 29, 2017

      Get her 2 vet. She’s hemorrhaging 2 much. She needs an iv. 4 dehydration.

    • rose newlon
    • June 22, 2017

    My female dog is been in heat 3 weeks now her teats are swollen howlong until go down in size?

    • Jennifer
    • June 10, 2017

    I have a female chi bella is her name, she is a lil over a year m maybe a month over a year anyway she is in heat licking a lot she is swollen down there But not acting any different but she hasn’t bled is that uncommon? Please if anyone knows why email me back thank you.

      • Karry
      • June 22, 2017

      When my baby girl went into heat for the first time, she liked A LOT! I think that kept the blood from dripping everywhere. She is kinda OCD though.

      • Candace Mcneely
      • June 23, 2017

      Our chi has such minimal amts of blood, we never really see it. We got a Yorkie and had to put a doggie diaper on her this go round and we did see it, but it was clear/light brown/red. Very small amounts. So maybe, you just don’t notice it. Our chi is 3lbs

    • rose newlon
    • June 8, 2017

    I have 7 month female she’s been in heat almost a week how much longer will heat cycle last need to get her spayed soon!!!

      • Karry
      • June 22, 2017

      Could be up to 3 weeks.

    • Jenny
    • June 3, 2017

    I have a teacup chihuahua who just turned 1. She just went though her 1st heat, is it normal for teats to still be prominent?

    • Christina M Garcia-romero
    • May 25, 2017

    Hi my female Chihuahua will tease her boyfriend and back up on him and do it to him but when he tries she flips over on her back what can we do to help her get pregnant.all she wants to do is play

    • Cydnehandley
    • April 7, 2017

    How long do they bleed?

      • Carolyn
      • April 12, 2017

      I’d like to know that myself. How long do they actually bleed ???

        • Wanda Nikitenko
        • April 19, 2017

        I owns an 8mo old chihuahua who is going thru heat at this time so would like to know how long this process takes as to the bleeding. This is something I know very little about as my other dogs were spade when they came to me. Are they in pain if so is there anything I can do to make things more comfortable for her

          • Kevin R
          • July 24, 2017

          My wife and I give her lots of attention and rub her chest and neck.
          I have a small pool and set her in it. It calms her down alot.

        • Joyce H
        • June 19, 2017

        Female chihuahuas usually bleed about 10 days or so.

    • April De La Cruz
    • February 10, 2017

    Hi i have a female long hair and my mother in law has a regular size chihuahua she’s been bleeding for two days and she managed to get out of her cage.He mounted her and now I’m afraid she may have puppies.Will she get pregnant and if so will she be able to have the puppies with out dying?

      • My dad is a dog breeder
      • March 25, 2017

      Just monitor the size of her nipples and the change in weight. When she is ready to have puppies she will begin to nest, as in finding a place to lay down and have the babies. Be sure to be around her around that time because complications can happen. When she is in labor, and a puppy is taking too long to come put. You may want to gently pull on the puppy to help get them out. If the puppy is not breathing, you can rub the puppy with a warm towel, it is like giving it CPR. Other than that I am sure you dog will be fine.

      • Kerry
      • April 24, 2017

      Hi my chihuahua got caught on her first heat delivered 3 beautiful puppie all healthy thankfully just look up how to break the bag for her as my one also didnt know how to but shell be fine just remember to keep a close eye on her youll know when she in labour shell pant and dig like crazy in her bed good luck !!!!

        • Cesario
        • April 26, 2017

        How old was she?

      • Alice
      • June 12, 2017

      Hi there, have you received any feedback or reply. I have the same problem my 8 month old chihuahua got her first season and due to lack of my husbands attention our boy got her in the garden through the puppy nappy and they manged to tie. His a 9 month boy, do you think she is pregnant as I have contacted the vets about the injections however they are £350 pounds and there are risks that she might get internal infection and die, is there any chance she should deliver without problems. Please any information will be helpful.

      • Lyssa
      • August 5, 2017

      Was she pregnant from that situation?

    • Rebecca
    • February 8, 2017

    Hi I have a chi girl about 9 months old. I’m hoping she hasn’t fell pregnant for her first bleed as I do have a boy as well. Has anyone else had puppies on 1st bleed within the 1st year?

      • Angela D Strickland
      • February 9, 2017

      somebody gave me a female when she was bout 10 months and she was pregnant. I was so worried but thank god she survived and 1 pup survived (she had 3). But I would take her to the vet and get her checked out and I hope everything turns out good.

      • Kathy Schrenk
      • March 3, 2017

      My granddaughters female chi became pregnant at about 10 months. She is small and we worried how large she was getting. She had an ultrasound and it showed 4 little chi babies. She delivered 4 healthy babies and she recovered nicely. I hated that she was pregnant and suffered thru delivery, but she was a little trooper. If you can, hold off til second year heat. I know its better for momma’s health.

        • Martha
        • March 11, 2018

        We have a 10 months old tea cup Chihuahua she’s in heat, she’s swollen and her nibble are also hard. My question is next cycle she has if she ever gets pregnant is she to little. She weighs only 3lbs.

      • Ashley
      • April 20, 2017

      Yes I have. its the same as another birth, be sure to be there when she is giving birth because she doesn’t know what to do and she will need your help breaking the placenta. let her eat the placenta, its what they do once they break it and help her clean the pup by brining it closer to her to lick. make sure to have the cage covered with a blanket because they prefer it darker when giving birth. the chihuahua that is pregnant will not die, but the baby will, be careful. on my dogs first birth she only had one and it died a couple days later. its just what happens sometimes, you just have to really be there for her and help her if something like that were to happen.

      • Veronica
      • July 6, 2017

      My female did get pregnant by my male at 8 months old. I done lots of research. She had three beautiful and healthy babies and all is well. They are 4 wks today! Good luck…

    • Jennifer hall
    • January 27, 2017

    I have 2 female’s 4 and 5 years of age and would like to breed them they are both on their cycle now i live in cedar park texas any one in texas have a male Chihuahua

    • kim
    • January 23, 2017

    Hello I have a 10 month old Chihuahua and she got mated didn’t realize she was in heat til it was to late she wasn’t stuck long she tore away but been couple weeks now her breasts are swelling will she be able to have puppies at her age please help

      • Meredith
      • April 25, 2018

      Your good at 10 months Not 10 yrs. Just watch for complications and let the vet know you think she is pregnant and she can be healthy while delivering healthy pups!!! Good Luck to you

    • Jewelene
    • January 23, 2017

    Well wish I could be so lucky I have a 8 month old female and a 1 year old male, well I knew she was coming in but was shocked she being so young. So I graded diapered, no sleep walked the floors, got to third week thinking yes I’ve got this? wrong turn head I second and he had her. Now almost three weeks now she still going any idea how much longer? And yes praying she didn’t take. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 😵

    • Shay
    • January 22, 2017

    Hi my chihuahua has caught on her first season and is due to give birth any day now and i am quite worried about her is there anything I can do?

      • Angie Steele
      • June 7, 2017

      Have a vet available at any hour of the day or night incase an emergency cesarean is needed. Just in case.. or you may lose mom and babies

        • Linda
        • October 15, 2017

        Absolutely!! Wonderful advice ☺️

    • Kimberley Cole
    • January 17, 2017

    My toy chihuahua will be 2 years old this next month on the 20th! When will she go into heat?

      • Kayla
      • February 25, 2018

      If she is 2 and hasn’t had a heat cycle yet please take her to the vet I have a older chihuahua 8 now I rescued her and we all thought she was fixed found out the hard way when they don’t have regular heat cycles they get a bad infection pyrometria and you will have to have her go through a emergency hysterectomy I almost lost my baby please please get her to the vet

    • Katie
    • January 10, 2017

    My Chihuahua mix is in her 2nd heat. What I’m Wondering is there anything I can do to help with her pain? I can tell she is not feeling good and she’s not around and males so no pregnancy to come. I’ve gotten her a Heating pad to lay on and she stays on it a lot. Any Advice would really help. Thanks

      • Paula
      • January 22, 2017

      My girl seems in pain too, and stands funny and seems under the weather. Is this normal? When my other girl was in heat she was still her same crazy self.

      • Alyssa
      • July 18, 2017

      I know it’s been awhile when you posted. I hope you have found a get for your relationship with your pet to be successful. A little investment will be beneficial and would show your love. Aspirin is perfectly find to give to most animals including dogs and cats. No Tylenol or NSAIDs. Heating pad and she showed you she like it by staying on it. I wouldn’t leave it in all night. There is calming collars at pet stores. They work. Good luck I hope everything worked out. I don’t see many replies. Take care. Hope something helped. I’m the owner of a 2 pd teacup who thinks she’s way bigger by the way she barks and runs,after much bigger dogs 5 x and up her size. They are so cute but dynamite

      • Robin Cruickshank
      • April 2, 2018

      Hi Kate. I am experiencing a very similar situation with my Chihuahua, Shelby who will be a Year old in 4 days. 53 she shows no signs of being in heat there’s no swelling no redness no licking . She has been behaving very peculiar for about the past 4 days by frequently carrying her little furry squeaking toy around in her mouth in her mouth and whining. Shelby has never taken any interest in any kind of toys that I purchased for her and believe me I’ve tried to get whatever I could possibly think of that she would enjoy playing with but she doesn’t care for toys . She has never behaved like this, nor has she ever whined, for for that matter! She has always been a very mild-mannered little Chihuahua baby. she is the smallest of our other furry dogs. Her adopted Brothers are a black lab, German Shepherd, and a mix between a Jack Russell and something else. She thinks that she is leader of the pack and the biggest of all of them. Our other dogs have never been aggressive towards her. I hope this helps. I have no answers for you but this is just my situation and which is similar to yours. Have a blessed day and good luck. Sincerely, Robin C. athensgabulldawgs@yahoo.com

    • Suzanne
    • December 27, 2016

    Hi my dog is panting and spotting. Could this mean she’s in heat or something wrong. This is my first dog and I’ve always had cats. So I’m nerves and anxious cause I don’t know what to do. She also is very shakey and jumps when her butt bothers her. This just started tonight. This has never happen before. She is 2 years old chihuahua Pom or pug.

    • Kim
    • November 22, 2016

    I have a one yr old chihuahua and when she’s going into heat.. I know because she acts like a ho.. around my other male dog.. she does whatever she needs to do to get his attention.. boy does he have it, his heavy breathing.. ugh.. I guess that’s were we get the saying.. horn dog.. because he is crazy.. I have to keep them apart and it’s annoying to keep letting one outside than one in.. I plan on getting her fixed.. because this heat is … ugh.. plus I don’t want puppies.. ..

    • A
    • September 27, 2016

    I agree that the dog shouldn’t be bred during their first heat cycle. In addition to the fact that their body’s still developing, their mind is still developing. In other words, they might not be mature enough to raise a litter.

    You gave great explanations and tips.

    • jewels
    • September 23, 2016

    I’ve had my female teacup almost 2 years. was told she was 2 but was also told she was 5 by her teeth. Shes spotting for the 1st time that I know of. Been 2 days I’m confused on why she’s never before. Is she to old to breed or is she ready or what? Idk how I coulda not noticed a heat cycle until now I’d love for her to have puppies at least once.

      • Louise
      • November 19, 2016

      There is no such thing as a T cup Chihuahua, they are chi’s that have been bred overly small to meet market demands. They are beset with health problems. It’s cruel and breeding from them can kill them. Please don’t perpetuate the idea that T cup is some kind breed. They’re are bred so celebrities and stupid people can cart them around in handbags.

        • Faye Martin
        • June 18, 2017

        I have a 4lb chi but I resent you calling people stupid because they prefer a small lap dog to a regular size dog – personally I don’t like picking up her dog crap 💩 as Tiny as she is – If you like picking up large turds HAVE AT IT … but don’t judge me because I prefer a little lap … (as far as rich people 🤑, no argument there ) ..
        Signed, NOT STUPID OR RICH CELEB …😡

          • Carolyn
          • August 23, 2017

          Ty I also proudly own a T Cup chi. I am highly educated but not rich nor a celebrity LOL I say we deserve the pet we choose. He is adored, spoiled and loved by all that meet my Chase! Do wish people would stop protesting the breeding rights of people. Seriously, it just widens the chances for a happy family.

        • Alyssa
        • July 18, 2017

        I have never heard of your comment. But hey, that’s life. Anyway, I always thought by what I have investigated that there is teacup breeds that National breeders recognize. Why don’t You? The internet has many reputable breeders and I find what you say, perplexing. I have what I consider a teacup, whom I don’t tore in any bag not even if I flew. She is under 3 lbs and I would never fathom any dog breeding without a dog her size. But I believe in neuter your pets most often. My teacup is trained to recognize my blood sugars. I haven’t had to prick my fingers since 2014. Not once. I get a A1c test to confirm our relationship with my diabetes and her great nose! I am totally grateful for her and my Manx cat you also indicates my levels by certain methods of actions toward me. Even when I sleep. It’s great. And I hope to continue teaching this skill with her babies when the time comes if we ever find the right one. It may never happen. I really hope they accept my post back to you and I haven’t offended you in the least way. I’m just expressing that this so called teacup as you say, she’s a miracle for me, hopefully I can pass my experience, strength and hope to other diabetics who are tired of poking their fingers up to 3 xs a day and each like cost over a buck!

        • Sue
        • October 27, 2019

        Hi do u have a chi

      • March 10, 2017

      No such thing as a teacup chihuahua or any other tiny dog..It’s what deceitful breeders call the runt to sell for lots more money.. Sometimes these runts can be very sick or have health problems later.

        • Faye Martin
        • June 18, 2017

        “Runt, TCup” …. who cares …
        Some of us prefer small dogs ..

          • Alyssa
          • July 18, 2017

          Right on girl! No matter what the haters say, these babies our ours and they add joy and comfort and best of all, they are very protective these little dynamites!

    • Kelly
    • September 4, 2016

    I have a 11 month old teacup chihuahua and she had her first heat about 2 months ago. It lasted about 3 weeks. However, she went back into heat again about a month ago, again lasting about 3 weeks. Now today she’s showing signs of going into another heat cycle. My male dog is following her around sniffing her rear end just like the 2 previous heats. Is this normal?

    • Sixto
    • August 30, 2016

    Looking to mate my chihuahua anyone willing to mate there boy dog with mine. Live in Brooklyn nyc.

      • melissa
      • December 8, 2016

      I have a male, the vet calls him red cause of his color ALL I want is first pick.

        • Mae
        • December 20, 2016

        Where are you located I’d love to mate my chihuahua during her second heat (its her firsts) im located in the Houston tx area

    • Irene
    • August 18, 2016

    When there on there heat cycle does there eating habits change?

    • tina
    • August 6, 2016

    Hi, my chi-weeni is 11 months old. She got her 1st heat the end of April and it lasted well over a month. Its the beginning of August – barely 3 months, and I noticed last night she is bleeding again, her nipples are swelling, and she was relentless with the other male just the day before – I did not really think anything of it as she had just finished her first heat. I know I read somewhere that smaller breed dogs can go into heat 3-4 times a year. Just wondering if anyone else has had their little one go into heat more than twice a year.

    • Jason
    • August 6, 2016

    If my chihuahua is having her very first cycle at 10months and she is at the end of 3 rd week approx but still swollen how but no discharge of blood how much longer should i have to wait for swelling to go back to normal and allow around my male dog

    • Carson
    • August 3, 2016

    Hi, my chihuahua is about 8 months old and just had her first heat cycle. But before that she was left alone with our other male dog. After that she was panting whenever we played together which she didn’t used to do. And is looking a little rounder. Is it possible that she could be pregnant?

    • Omar Fernandez
    • July 30, 2016

    My older 12 year old Chihuahua has never had a litter of pups and was never spayed now she is having a heavy menstrual cycle with blood clots I recently changed her food but I do not know what to do

      • Sam
      • December 19, 2016

      Take your dog to the vet, if you haven’t already man. Apparently if your dog hasn’t gone into season by 38 weeks maximum, you should seek medical advice for her. The reason I am browsing is because my chihuahua/sausage dog has come into season for the first time, my point being I just read that on another site. Females problems are gross.

        • Becke
        • February 19, 2017

        There called Chiweiner, I the state of WA. They are the cutest dogs.

      • Alyssa
      • July 18, 2017

      Omg, what happen??

    • Manika ray
    • July 27, 2016

    I’m trying to find out my chihuahua just went through her first heat cycle. and I thought it was over but all of her lil nipples are sooooo swollen? Is this normal? They weren’t swollen like this during her cycle? We do have a male chihuahua but he is fixed so there is no possible way she is pregnant. Should I call the vet?

      • Wona
      • January 27, 2017

      Did you ever get an answer to this? I’m having the same issue. The only male she has been with is my little male who had been fixed like the month before. I’m not sure how long it takes for his flex to mean he is shooting blanks.

    • Ruth
    • July 22, 2016

    My chichi…Nina…is 14mos and in heat…have kept her away from Peter esp more.but she has already 3weeks in heat….CAN I BATHE HER…(NINA)..???

    • Hannah
    • July 21, 2016

    my pup is about 8 months old & she had gone into heat and got “stuck” with another chihuahua, how do I know if she is pregnant? & will she be okay if she is? I’m very worried I don’t want anything to happen to her, she is still reasonably small &it was her first heat cycle. help.

    • Ramon
    • June 15, 2016

    We have 5 chihuahuas and if we cannot take then out at night to go pee or if we are not home during the day because we are at work we have a special place in the house for them. but we got them used to it. Once in awhile we find the males marking their territory in the living room or on bags and it’s hard to stop them we discipline the boys by not letting them go into the living room 4 some days and remind them that’s it’s a No-No. The other day we had to be the girls from The boys because one of the females was in heat and mama had to go to the bathroom she could not get to the area we have have designated for her so she peed in the kitchen she is 6 years old

    • Kathy
    • June 8, 2016

    My girl is 14 years old and she is still having heat cycle, how long will this last?? 🐈

    • Yola
    • May 31, 2016

    I have a question I have a deer head chihuahua she is 11 months old and it’s been 3 to 4 days she likes to hump my boyfriends leg and her nipples are swollen and she also today started leaking mucis from her vulva and she hunts for male dogs is this a sign she’s in heat please answer asap

    • Laura
    • April 23, 2016

    My chihuahua is in heat right now day 8 of active bleeding and has tied with another dog today will she be pregnant? I’m seeing a lot of 11-14 days but I have been told by 2 different people 1 saying it’s the heat process including swollen vulva and 1 said its from the 1st day of blood which is correct??

    • Tori
    • April 3, 2016

    My chihuahua is 8 years old and hasn’t gone into heat in like almost a year now is this normal?

    • Leah
    • March 31, 2016

    My chihuahua, Punky, is about to turn 11 months next week. She’s sexually harassing one of my female cats while only playing with my male dog. Her vulva is really swollen almost the size of a Japanese plum, her nipples are tender and slightly pink. I know she’s in the mist of her first heat. She’s acting miserable and very jealous and clingy. My worry is the swelling start about a week and a half ago but she’s not bled at all. Should I be worried? Please help. This is my first chi and only female I’ve had go into heat. All of my other pets I had fixed before they started.


    • janet
    • March 30, 2016

    I have a female 19 months old and still no sign of heat? I have taken her to vets but he didn’t seem concerned and said it’s not unheard of? It doesn’t stop me worrying though. She is a healthy weight 3kg and healthy otherwise. Anyone else had the same?

    Can anyone recommend good heat diapers for Chihuahuas please for when she does come on?

      • Melissa Blevins
      • January 17, 2017

      My Lulu is now in her bleeding stage and I’ve tried every kind of diapers, EVERY KIND, by far the best ones are the washable cover ups, I found them at pet smart, a little pricey, yet well worth it. They fit perfectly on her,( she weighs 8pounds). They have small disposable pads which stick inside the cover up. The cover up has a hole for the tale and velcro straps that fasten snuggly and easily on her back, they come in 2 pks for around $20.00, also you can use regular panty liners rather than the one’s the pet store sells. All in all this is the best by far for comfort, fit and cleanliness.

        • Kimberly Pfafff
        • March 9, 2017

        I so agree I have a three year old and I used the same cover ups easy to put in the washer and use again. I purchased mine at PetSmart and have been using them all along so worth the $20 and she has a pink and purple one which adds to her cuteness

    • Kathrinna
    • March 28, 2016

    I have a female chihuahua and a male and my female is in heat and I have been keeping them separated but when I left two days ago for like 1 hr and got back home my two dogs were stuck does this mean she is definitely pregnant, I know she is in heat but she never bleeds when she is in heat

      • Sherry
      • April 19, 2017

      If you don’t want her to have pups you can take her to the vet within 72 hours and he can give her a shot to stop pregnancy. But it does prolong her cycle.

    • Kris Rose
    • March 15, 2016

    I have a 6 month old female Chihuahua who at firs was urinating a lot more than usual and I took her to the vet and they couldn’t get a sample to tell cause she’s used to puppy pads so I then realized she was showing signs of early heat. ….she’s whiny and can’t sit still very long and she’s aggravating my male 6 month that old Chihuahua and he sends to try to stay away from her???? Is this, heat examples? ??? I Haven’t seen blood yet however, I’m prepared with diapers but her belly is swollen and hot…
    I choose to not get her fixed cause she was diagnosed with collapsed trachea. The vet thinks it will be ok however I’m worried. I took my make to get fixed and they called me to tell me they couldn’t do it cause his blood work came back with liver abnormalities so we did an x-ray as,well and it shows he has, a wire wrapped around his intestine so im.now dealing with that on top of it all. I’m positive he got it when he was, a baby cause of the place I got him from. Im.worth these pups all day everyday and not allowing anything to happen but could my female have a u.t.I or is, these signs of going into heat???? I keep getting aggravated with her cause it’s so hard to keep her calm

    • kim
    • March 1, 2016

    We have a 1½year old boy short haired chiwawa n a 7 month old long haired girl.she bled with no swelling for a week starting Jan 26.then today Feb 29.she started dripping again n now she is swollen n has been for a week.so I supposed she is really in heat now.??ok the short haired boy is very aggressive against our 6 month old girl rat terrier.should I be worried about pups next time if we get pups.were trying not to get pups the first time..

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