What To Expect From a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle

Female Chihuahuas can make wonderful, loving family pets. In fact, many people prefer them because they don’t mark their territory like their male counterparts. If you plan on raising a female Chihuahua, though, you’ll need to be aware of their heat cycle. This is a critical time in their life that requires special care and attention; otherwise, you could end up with a litter of unwanted puppies around the home.

Female Chihuahua

Like all dogs, female Chihuahuas must be properly cared for when they go into heat. This is when they are most fertile and will draw the attention of any nearby males. In addition, Chihuahuas in heat will also bleed, which means you’ll have to come up with a solution to prevent it from getting on the floor. Keep reading and we’ll take a closer look at what to expect during a Chihuahua’s heat cycle.

When Will My Chihuahua Have Her First Heat Cycle?

It’s important to note that all Chihuahuas are different, and unfortunately there’s no easy way to tell exactly when your Chihuahua will have her first heat cycle. Some of them will experience it early, while it may take others well over a year. With that said, most female Chihuahuas will have their first heat cycle between the ages of 6 months to one year.

If your Chihuahua still hasn’t gone through her first heat cycle by the age of 18 months, talk to your veterinarian to see if there’s an underlying health problem. A simple checkup by a professional vet can reveal whether your Chihuahua has a defect or if she’s a late bloomer. On rare occasions, female Chihuahuas may not experience their first heat cycle until they are 2 years old. For your Chihuahua’s sake, though, take her to the vet to check for any serious health problems.

Also, you should NEVER allow your Chihuahua to breed during her first heat cycle. This is a sensitive time when her organs and body are adjusting to this natural process. Allowing her to become impregnated places her at greater risk for complications. If you care about the health and well-being of your Chihuahua, wait until her second heat cycle at the very least.

Chihuahua Heat Cycle

Evaluating The Different Stages of a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle

Contrary to what some people may believe, there are actually several different stages of a Chihuahua’s heat cycle. While most owners assume there is only one, there are actually a total of 4 different stages, all of which are unique in their own way.

Generally, female Chihuahuas will go into heat (lasting approximately 3 weeks) about once or twice a year.

Here are the stages of a typical female Chihuahua’s heat cycle:

Proestrus – The first stage of a Chihuahua’s heat cycle, Proestrus, may or may not be easy for owners to identify. Some Chihuahuas will exhibit clear, concise symptoms that include bleeding, swollen nipples, excessive licking and a general shift in mood change. Others, however, may exhibit few (if any) symptoms.

The most effective way to determine if a Chihuahua is going through the Proestrus stage is to closely observe and monitor their behavior. Typically, Chihuahuas at this stage of their heat cycle will begin to chase males around in a playful or even somewhat aggravating manner. It’s not uncommon to find your female Chihuahua constantly badgering any nearby males.

Estrus – The second stage, known as Estrus, occurs about one week after the Proestrus stage. During this time, Chihuahuas are fertile and ready to breed. While most Chihuahuas won’t allow the male to mate with her during the Proestrus stage, they will however allow it during the Estrus stage.

Identifying a Chihuahua in heat during the Estrus stage shouldn’t be overly difficult. They will have swollen, bleeding genitals and the desire to couple with nearby male Chihuahuas. Males will also be more attracted to the female due to the scent of her discharge.

Diestrus – As long as the female Chihuahua did not become impregnated, she will enter the Diestrus stage immediately following Estrus. This is essentially a rest period that lasts for 30-90 days when the Chihuahua’s body is given time to recuperate. She will no longer seek the attention of males, and her body parts will gradually begin to go back to their normal size.

If a female Chihuahua was impregnated, she will skip the Diestrus stage and enter the early stages of pregnancy. Pregnant Chihuahuas will continue to exhibit large, puffy nipples and swollen genitals.

Anestrus – The last stage in a Chihuahua’s heat cycle, Anestrus, is a cooling down period when the body and organs are finally getting back to normal. Owners won’t notice any visible signs of a heat cycle when their Chihuahua is going through Anestrus. Chihuahua will have normal-sized genitals, no bleeding or discharge and regular moods.

The Anestrus stage will last somewhere between 2-6 months until they begin the heat cycle over again.

Happy Female Chihuahua

Tips on Dealing With a Chihuahua’s Heat Cycle

The good news is that most Chihuahuas will only be in heat for approximately 3 weeks. The bad news, however, is that you’ll need to give them extra care and attention to ensure everything runs smoothly. Far too many owners brush off the heat cycle as a “natural” occurrence without giving their Chihuahua the care she needs during this special time.

Follow these tips for a better, smoother heat cycle:

  • From the time you notice the first sight of your Chihuahua’s heat cycle, keep her separated from any nearby males (unless you want her to get pregnant of course). This means always walking her on a leash and never allowing her to run off.
  • Female Chihuahuas can be a bit more cranky during their heat cycle, so use caution when handling them.
  • Use a doggie diaper or wrap your Chihuahua’s bottom up in a blanket to prevent her from bleeding everywhere.
  • Don’t make the assumption that your Chihuahua is no longer fertile just because she’s no longer bleeding. Depending on her biology, she could still be fertile for weeks after bleeding. The bottom line is that you need to keep her separated from males until you are completely sure she is no longer fertile.





    • Kacie
    • February 23, 2016

    Also one more question, Will the female stop bleeding 1 or 2 day after the mate? Or will then continue to bleed thru their heat?

      • Laura
      • April 23, 2016

      Did you count the days from active bleeding to breed or was it from swollen vulva I’m using a stud so findin difficult as 2 breeders are telling me different stages to count from both saying 11-14 days but one is a week longer stage?? My breeder says chi will continue with normal heat bleed for 3 weeks but swollen nipples and genitals will stay throughout pregnancy 🙂

    • Kacie
    • February 23, 2016

    Ok I did notice that my little Chihuahua did go thru the Proestrus stage, she started biting at my male dog and giving him no time to rest and just played a little aggressive at most times, then about a week later on a Sunday she started the Estrus stage, she started bleeding, licking and her mood changed, today is only Monday, a week after starting the stage and although she is still licking (a lot) and pulling her tail over to the side when you pet her and get close to her rear when you are stroking her back she seems to not be swollen anymore or even bleeding. Her other cycles she was swollen for a long period of the cycle but this time only after a week she is not so swollen. She also started Whining. My question is, is she already in the Diestrus stage? (even though before my male went very very crazy chasing her around and us getting no sleep at all keeping the two of them apart and now this time he seems to have no interest at all). Could it be possible that she is in this Diestrus stage? Is there a reason why she is not so swollen? Again she is still licking the area a lot but the bleeding seems to be not so bad this time like it has been in the other three times that she has been in heat before? I guess, is it possible she is still in the Estrus stage even though she seems not swollen but still licking the area? Please help…… Kacie

      • dd
      • January 5, 2017

      hello, Kacie and everyone.
      when your female dog is pulling her tail to the side and wanting him to touch her she is still in ready mode to breed.
      In stage one female will be snappy and not want anything to do with the male. she will be licking her self a lot all through the stages.
      Stage two to stage three her discharge will change color to straw color less red to light coloring to clear. at stage two she is ready to breed. at the end of stage 3 to stage 4 female dog will go down in swelling and mood with go back to normal the resting period.

      If she did breed with male she will stop bleeding before normal ending time of previous heat cycles.
      she will be swollen for awhile but will go into beginning stages of preg. females do tend to show morning sickness become more cranky and sensitive a lot more to sounds and start guarding toys, food , kennel etc from male. she will nest soon if u see scratching at furniture like your fav sofa and burrowing in blankets making an round bed. *its important to encourage your pup to eat what ever she will if she will not eat the normal food you give daily. male will almost completely stop eat food and be only paying attention to the girl ever second of there time. for me kacia, its the opposite my male pup (papllion 3yrs is the one bugging my chihuahua mix girl all the time and not letting her sleep much. female pups can have false preg cycles as well like she will show all the signs but not the swollen tummy or milk or just no puppies but all the other signs are there. false preg last three weeks or more then female pup goes back to normal mood etc. hope this helps you guys.

    • Linda
    • February 16, 2016

    Can a female be mated with brother or father

    • janet
    • February 9, 2016

    My female chihuahua is now 18 months old and she hasn’t come on heat. Haven’t had any bleeding she is always clingy and affectionate and sleeps quite a lot normally. Do they bleed noticeably? Could I have missed it? I am very worried something is wrong though she seems healthy enough and happy. I am concerned about crating her if she bleeds as she will get very distressed but she has been used to sleeping in our bedroom (cream carpets). Where can I get good fitting doggy diapers? Any info greatly appreciated.

    • Janet
    • February 5, 2016

    My female pomchi(Pomeranian/chihuahua is 9 months old. I noticed one day that she had 2 drops of blood around her uthrea area. When I took her outside she peed a couple of times! I right away thought she might have the early stages of Urinary Tract Infection but the 2 most common things for a UTI- crying when urinating, and blood in the pee… My dog doesn’t have either! So how can I tell if my dog is in her first heat OR A UTI?? She is not acting sick she is still her happy playful self?? So is it normal for a puppy in heat to pee more then often?

    • Carolyn
    • January 5, 2016

    Rita. I hope this helps. Our dog was doing the same thing. She was peeing in front of the cabinet doors under the sink in the kitchen. Then I noticed that she was being behind the living room door. Then She started peeing on the couch! Come to find out that we had a mouse in the house and marking her territory. We caught the mouse and that was the end of that. But before all this she was barking alot at night to. She was just letting us know there was a mouse in the kitchen. Hope this helps Carol

    • maralane
    • November 17, 2015

    My chihuahua is on heat, she never leave her fluffy toy for a moment I must feed her she just lie in her bed with the toy. Must I take the toy away.

    Thanking you

    • Karen
    • November 16, 2015

    It could be her heat, I just lost my 18 year old Chihuahua to cancer. In her earlier years I would put her in a crate(cat carrier) with a blanket and a small amount of water at night. Just for her heat cycle. And only at night. You may want to check with her vet, as it could be a UTI infection. Another option if you don’t want to crate her,(crate training) is put her water up around 7:00p.m. and don’t feed or water until morning. Be sure to take her out a few times before bed. This works well for my new Chihuahua.

      • Gl
      • March 25, 2016

      After reading a lot of the posts here it left me wondering how many of these Dogs are still alive..Wow

    • maria
    • October 15, 2015

    I too have a female chihuahua cross and she is going into the third stage of her first heat – she had and still has occasional loose stools and seemed aggressively playful with a male buddy who came to visit, thankfully in earliest stages of her heat! and now she is calmer and while still swollen is as playful as before.. even if more interested in males of all species 😉 good luck everyone with you chi’s! they are precious!

    • maria
    • October 15, 2015

    for the pee on carpet you might want to try using plain old white vinegar as it takes the scent out and they tend to avoid the area after that! the scent is drawing her back each time to add her scent freshly and maintain her territory…..my Daughter states that using baking soda first then the vinegar and cleaning it away after works wells too…. good luck!

    • colleen foglesong
    • October 11, 2015

    Our 8.5 month Chi, Bella just started her heat cycle a week ago. She has been het same old self. We have a 11 yr old yellow lab and has been acting the same with him as she was before going into heat. We have noticed her vagina has gotten swollen and looks so much bigger. We haven’t really been able to diaper her due to her being so small. She is 5 pounds. She doesn’t have a heavy heat cycle. A drip here and there. We have bathed her more and once I have seen more dried blood I have washed it and Bella hasn’t had any problems with me doing that. We want to het her spayed as soon as we can.

    • lori
    • October 10, 2015

    hi my chihuahua is 8 yrs old and shes in heat now shes never had any puppies my question is can she still get pregnant at this age and also i have a 8 and a half month male chihuahua is it possible she could get pregnant with him i thought i read after 6 yrs they cant get pregnant i look forward to your answer i dont mind either way id keep the puppies if she did bt my main concern is that its ok for her if its healthy shes my special angel i want what best for her as well as my new little one weve added to our family its just them 2 i look forward to any input on any information you could give me thankyou

    • Robin
    • October 10, 2015

    My chihuahuas are in heat but they never bleed just puffy and a lil cranky her and there is it normal for them to not bleed this is the second time for one and like four times for my other

    • Terri
    • October 6, 2015

    I have a 5 year old Chihuahua. She had her heat and now a month later she is bleeding again, heavier when she was in heat. She is acting normal. Eating, drinking, playing. Not swollen anywhere.

    • Melissa Suggs
    • September 27, 2015

    My Chihuahua is almost 2 She has only had 1 heat..It was really very mild…That was last Nov..She is starting to look as tho she is going into to heat again..But she is very clean and ive seen no blood. should I take her to the Vet

    • chrissy
    • September 17, 2015

    is my 8yr old tea cup in pain, like cramps, from her heat cycle?? thanks for your help.

    • jessica
    • August 29, 2015

    How often should a female go into season? I’m very curious. I have a female and two males. One of them cannot get her pregnant and the other one can. Should I separate them so the two can mate or what should I do. I would love to get a response on my email. thanks.

      • ally
      • February 23, 2016

      hi Jessica. They should go into heat twice a year. Since i have male dogs as well i try to mark on my calender at the first sign of her genitles starting to swell so i know when to expect her next cycle.

    • Elizabeth
    • August 28, 2015

    My 10-month old Longcoat Chi, PoppyRose,
    started her very first heat cycle today.
    Although, she WILL be spayed as soon as she
    weighs enough that her vet and I feel comfortable
    putting her under general anesthesia(she’s very long,tall but skinny
    as a rail and a HORRIBLY picky eater!) in the
    meantime, can you give me a few suggestions
    that will emphasize to my family how very IMPORTANT it is to GO OUTSIDE WITH POPPY IN OUR FENCED YARD WHILE SHE’S in HEAT????(actually, ALL THE TIME would be great!! but I don’t expect miracles. LOL)
    I’m trying but everybody just lets her out by HERSELF where a large male dog could possibly impregnate her!!!
    I appreciate ANY HELP in ANY FORM!! From ANYONE!!!!
    Thank you very much!!!!

    • Aldrin Santos Gregorio
    • August 17, 2015

    Can you help. My dog is a 3 years old female chihuahua i wanted to know if she still have heat? I just want an answer please send me a message my email is johnaldringregorio@yahoo.com thank you in advance.

      • Sassy J
      • January 30, 2016

      Unless she is spayed, yes.

    • Evie
    • July 10, 2015

    Hello there….
    My chihuahua started her first heat cycle and it’s been two weeks and it looks painful. It’s pink And swollen. It looks like a giant strawberry. I’ve been bathing her n cleaning her.
    How long sbhould I expect this to last? I know it mentioned 30-90days? Please advice?

      • Fancy
      • July 20, 2015

      I guess no replies ????

      • leanne
      • August 15, 2015

      you dont need to bath her a part from what you would normally do, the swelling is normal and she should clean herself. My chi lasted for a month

      • lenamartin
      • October 30, 2015

      dogs heat cycle last about 3-9 weeks for the bleeding and i don’t know the rest my maltipoo is still in her first heat cycle. she started on her first birthday. the breeder we got her from said that with smaller dogs wait till they go through there first heat cycle to get her spaid though to prevent hip probems.

      • Karen
      • November 16, 2015

      A heat cycle lasts 3 weeks. Don’t keep cleaning her as you can make things harder on her. Let her clean herself, and she will be fine. Be careful of the soaps you use too. You don’t want to give her a UTI. She will go into her cycle every 6 months.

      • Sassy J
      • January 30, 2016

      Heat cycles normally last 3-4 weeks. Let her clean herself, she will be better at it than you are and depending on what you are cleaning her with, you could be irritating her greatly. Swelling is normal. She will gradually go back to her normal size when she is done.

    • GIna
    • July 5, 2015

    Hi, my chihuaha is not urniating as normal while in heat. SHe has only goes twice a day now where she would go quite often. Is this normal??

      • Sassy J
      • January 30, 2016

      The reverse is normal. Normally a bitch in heat will pee a little here, a little there, and more over here… Might be time for a vet check.

    • Judy
    • June 9, 2015

    Hey everyone hoping I can get my question answered, my chihuahua (lady) is pregnant 5-6 weeks. She is in good health and form but a bit cranky with my other chihuahua (teddy) he is the daddy to be. I’m wondering should I remove teddy from the home while she is pregnant? My mother wil mind him like the baby he is until puppies bornbut I know he will miss lady and my family terrible? I don’t know what is recommended? Does anybody have any ideas? Kind regards Judy

      • Windy Lloyd
      • August 6, 2015

      Hello, Judy:

      He should be okay during the pregnancy. I’d temporarily remove Teddy after the whelp and let your mom take care of him for a week or two if he showed aggression toward the pups. Just my opinion based on my experiences, not professional. Good luck, my fellow Chi lover. 🙂

        • Nadine
        • November 4, 2015

        Teddy should be ok around Lady during her pregnancy. She probably is not understanding why she is feeling the way that she doe’s yet but she will come around. I would watch to see if she becomes aggressive and moody when he is around. Teddy should also do fine when the puppies arrive, in most cases a chihuahua will have to get a scheduled c-section in order to have the puppies. Good Luck. I am sure that they will do fine and will take good care of the puppies when they arrive. Just be careful if You are going to put the puppies up for adoption. The male can be for aggressive then the female when it comes to separation.

      • Sassy J
      • January 30, 2016

      There is a reason female dogs are called bitches. The cranky heat can last throughout the pregnancy. Teddy will survive an extended time at grandma’s. It may ease some stress on your pregnant lady as well as you too.

    • Tracey
    • May 6, 2015

    This is my first time owning a female chihuahua her name is may a and she’s 9 months old, the problem is that she’s started crying and has losses bowels and picking her parts a lot also very sleepy. Would you say this is the start of her being in heat?
    Any advice greatly received x

      • Katy
      • May 26, 2015

      I am guessing by now you should know if this was due to your chihuahua coming into heat. I found my female chihuahua has done the same, whilst she had me really worried with the loose stools, so was getting treated with chicken and rice, and I was just about to take her to the vets as it hadn’t cleared up after a few days, when she started bleeding. Now her stools are back to normal, unfortunately she is constantly crying at the front door, and trying to escape the back garden. Although I had already ensured that it would not be easy for her to get out under the fence, and definitely not over as it is 6ft high, it doesn’t stop her from trying, so can’t let her out of eyesight at all. Someone please tell me this won’t be continuously over the next 3 weeks!

        • Sassy J
        • January 30, 2016

        Sorry to you, but heats last 3=4 weeks. PUT HER ON A LEASH! Any time you are out. Eyes on her as she finds an escape route will not do you any good.

    • meaca
    • January 28, 2015

    My dog is 6-8 months had her first heat cycle. Now there is no blood but her vulva s really swollen and she is very playful with my dashound what do I do.

      • Sassy J
      • January 30, 2016

      If the dashound is a male, don’t let them both out together. One or the other MUST be crated to prevent a tie.

      • ally
      • February 23, 2016

      Sounds like your pup is still in the first stage of her heat cycle. I have a 4 year old and she does the same thing to my terrier mix. This will subside afterva week or two when she enters the second stage.

      • Michelle
      • February 27, 2016

      Having this same trouble with my weenie dog, Oscar he is 9 and my Chihuahua, Bailey is a new rescue turned 1 in January. They are unable to fit her in to get spayed till mid April. Its quite crazy in our house. 3 weeks of this will be a work out. I do love my babies. We went through this with our Shelties too. 😘💋💖🐕🐕🐾🐾🐾

    • Rita
    • January 25, 2015

    Can you help. I look after a 3 yr old chihuahua dog,for some reason we dot t know but she has started peeing in the house at night.
    She has found a patch of carpet she now thinks is a loo
    I think she is just start to heat is this because of this and how can I stop her doing this
    Many thanks

      • lenamartin
      • October 30, 2015

      based on expirence you should try taking her out before bed and spanking her where she peed after putting her nose in it i know it sounds mean but it works. then after you spank her scrub the spot she peed on really well.

      • Sassy J
      • January 30, 2016

      I could be heat, but she would not just mark in one place. Restrict her water after supper, confine her to a crate at night and take her out to potty first thing when she is let out of the crate in the morning. Also, clean the area she uses as the loo with vinegar and water as hot as you can stand it. 50/50 ratio. You can rinse with 30/30/40 of vinegar/lemon juice/water to improve the smell for yourself and deter her.

    • Kelli
    • January 25, 2015

    My female chi is about 8 months and went into heat and I guess she is at the last stages of it…I wanted to get her fixed but my last female dog was a bigger dog and she went into heat at about a year, I thought I had a little more time! when I got her she was very sick had to be hospitalized and I was so scared to do surgery right away at 6 months after that…but anyway here we are and she is aggressively humping everything!! My bigger dog never did it like this! she has a duck toy she humps every night…and do they actually climax?!! oh my goodness it looks like it she is…she collapses and rolls over panting ive never seen anything like it!! is she weird or has anyone ever seen this?!! I plan to get her fixed before next cycle but will the humping stop? I love her anyway ive just never seen a girl dog hump like the boys whoa!

    • Jacque
    • January 21, 2015

    My Chihuahua has only bleed twice in 5 years. She will still get swollen when she does go into heat but she never bleeds. Is she still fertile or what? She is up to date will all her shots and vaccinations and is healthy. But to me this is very odd. I did want a mini her and my friend wants a chihuahua puppy but I am not sure that anything will happen. Nor how it could affect her, is this normal?

      • Gail L
      • March 7, 2016

      Lol… I never thought of that..All I know is my Female does that humping stuff all year long

    • January 9, 2015

    Wow!Most of you have no business owning pets! Sounds like you can’t even afford 2 take them 2 the vet & you all have excuses about it because of your guilt. A pet is a luxury not a right. If you are broke you can’t afford the vet, clothes, treats, quality dog food from pet smart & the groomers. Even short hair chis needs ears, teeth & nails done. The pets shouldn’t have 2 suffer through going into heat! I have 2 chis & we got 2 the groomers every 2 weeks & vet every 6 just 4 checkups. Pathetic pet owners make me sick.

  1. Reply

    Yeah my dog Maleficent I didn’t know about this. So we now nearly noticed that she’s started but we don’t know when. Thing is she’s a tiny dog is there gonna be different possibilities or problems that will cause? Are they supposes to feel pain.? And wat if ur dog has a hernia will there be any problems? Plz reply back thxs

      • Gail L
      • March 7, 2016

      I hope you watch them at the Groomers, I just read of two little Dogs that died at the groomers.. One of them was attacked by a bigger dog that got loose. So I guess that means nobodys Perfect. I do all my grooming myself

      • Gl
      • March 25, 2016

      Here Here!! Someone with a brain

      • Julie
      • January 7, 2017

      If she is that small AND has hernias please do not breed.

    • verlanemcdonald
    • December 31, 2014

    My chihuahua is two year old in
    She got stuck twice she weighs about 8 pounds
    Will she be presgnant and will she be ok having pups, i am very worried about her

    • jeanne
    • December 9, 2014

    Tudi Is 2 and a runt of the litter

    • jeanne
    • December 9, 2014

    My Chihuahua/Pomeranian has been on her period on and off, for about 4 months. Is this normal

    • beth
    • November 20, 2014

    Our chi. Is a resuce. She stayed on our porch for days before we let her in. About 3 weeks ago we noticed her bleeding lightly no swelling of any kind. Yesterday while giving her a bath i notice her parts are very swollen. It doesnt seem to hurt her but it looks as if it would! She has been licking.we have a male shitzu as well. He got crazy when she was bleeding but both moods are back to normal. Could she be pregnant? Or just continuing her cycle? We kept them separated as much as possible but she tends to ninja herself out the front door.

    • G.g
    • November 19, 2014

    I have two females dog . it been about 4 days my female dog is bleeding but as the day pass my male dog seem very terretory about her. Everyone is very upset when it come to dealing with him since he got anger issue way before having her. How can i deal with both of them . The sad part is she look for him n when there together she start to cry :'(. How i can help both of them? Yes i do want her to have babies n then nutter her . But i dont know how to deal with them :'(

    • Vycles Ayche
    • September 3, 2014

    Hello there, I have 2 female Chiuauahs. MiMi is 4 yrs old. In the past, the bleeding and swelling of her parts only lasted about 2 weeks. My other one is LouLou and she is MiMi’s biological niece. LouLou is only 8 months old. 2 weeks and a day ago I discovered that they were BOTH swollen and bleeding. MiMi seems to have no swollenness and no bleeding now. But LouLou is swollen and bleeding.
    Puting a diaper on LouLou doesn’t work. She’d just rip it up. So I’ve been keeping her in her kennel for a lot of the time. I have red carpet so When I let them play I can’t tell of the bleeding. But MiMi has been humping poor LouLou for the last week or so.
    QUESTION: Is it OKAY for her to hump the other dog? Is LouLou’s cycle supposed to last more than 2 weeks of bleeding and swelling?

      • Julie
      • January 7, 2017

      Chihuahua cycles can differ, go to bellybelts.com for a girl’s belly belt that she can’t chew and is totally safe as long as it is kept clean and dry.

    • Julia
    • August 26, 2014

    Hi, m’y dog has had her period for 5 month now!!! Thé bleeding will stop for a couple of days and then resume. I am starting to get worried. Has anyone had a similar experience? She is 1 y.o. Thank you!

      • Julie
      • January 7, 2017

      Go to vet!

    • shelleighR
    • August 19, 2014

    My female chi is Almost 7 months old no sign of going into heat but she keeps randomly cocking her leg up on me, not to pee cuz she’ll stand there for a while with her hooha on me until I shrug her off! Can anyone tell me y she keeps doing this???

      • Julie
      • January 7, 2017

      Hormones shifting prior to first heat. Normal. Just teach her not to do that.

    • sam
    • August 6, 2014

    i have a 11 month old female chihuahua and still no sign of her first season yet is there a promlem with her???? someone please help me out as i dont no whats going on.

      • Julie
      • January 7, 2017

      Chihuahuas vary greatly, many don’t come into heat till after a year, rarely even two years. If no heat by 18 months then check with vet. Otherwise don’t worry.

    • Paula
    • July 29, 2014

    My 9 yr old chi is on the 21 st day of her cycle and there is still mucus/ blood coming from her, is this normal ?
    Worried , vets I think!

    • Cassandra
    • July 27, 2014

    My Chita girl is 17yrs now. She has never mated and never will! She has been in her cycle for more 4 weeks now! Is this normal? I’m going nuts! It is very difficult to walk her with soooo my strays in our neighborhood. So I be worried about her?

    • Terri McMichael
    • July 22, 2014

    I was going to breed for the first time my 5 and a half year old female Chi, but the more I read, it say’s 5 is the limit on age.
    I don’t want to put my angel in jeopardy…….

    • cassie britton
    • July 21, 2014

    My chi is 7 minutes old when is it ok to start breeding her… She is the runt

      • amanda
      • July 25, 2014

      She is far too young to breed id wait atleast until after her second heat cycle an being the runt is just greater risk for complications during pregnancy and birth…hope this helps..

      • Gl
      • March 25, 2016

      I hear what you are saying, don’t think many others get it though :p

      • Faye Martin
      • June 18, 2017

      I hope you were joking and about breeding your 7 minute old dog … even 7 months is too young JEEZES …

    • anon5
    • July 16, 2014

    I got a rescue chihuahua back in February that had been kicked out onto the street after the death of the elderly owner. I don’t know if she’s beginning her heat cycle or is just getting fat. She was serious underweight and now she waddles a bit, so I don’t know if the swelling in between her anus and vulva is from the heat cycle or slight obesity.

    There’s no bleeding or strange behavior, but I’m worried because she has no scars or indication of having been fixed, she’s an outside dog AND all we have around here are large, unfixed males the neighbors let run free to guard their herds. We live on a farm.
    Two huge yellow lab males and a young male mastador.

    • donna
    • July 5, 2014

    Do females run away for a day or two when they go in heat I have a little dear head don’t know if she’s in heat or not but she got out and I haven’t seen her yet I have been calling her but that do any good could u please help me on this

    • Jennie
    • July 3, 2014

    Okay , so my chihuahua hasnt even been in heat at all . But her nipples just recently started getting really swollen . She has also had mood swings where shes just so depressed she wont even eat or play around with anyone . She is usually a very playful dog . Then all Of A sudden She Gets All Happy And Just Plays Like Normal . & We Are Sure she Isnt Pregnant She Has Been with any Dog Shes Always Inside & When she Does go Outside Shea With Me Soo I want To Know Whats Wrong With Her . Please Reply Back

      • Julie
      • January 7, 2017

      Heat cycles can last a good month.

    • Joanna Ramirez
    • June 18, 2014

    So my chihuahua is going through her heat cycle, I’m not sure if it’s her first since I’ve only had her for three month’s but I don’t think it is since she is already two years old. My concern is that all of a sudden she randomly attacks me and scratches me like if she was a cat! Is that normal?

    • Constance McNair
    • June 5, 2014

    My Chihuahua is on her 2nd heat cycle. She has been laying around and sleeping a lot. Sometimes she is not sleeping but just laying around. She wants to be held a lot more and is not eating like she used to….is this normal?

    • Thomas
    • June 3, 2014

    You anyone tell me why do my chihuahuas when tied together walk in circles? and I notice her anal area opens wide then closes, will someone let me know why? thanks Mr.Curious.

      • Cassandra
      • July 27, 2014

      They are getting ready to release themselves!

    • Vicki
    • May 29, 2014

    Comment was for Sandyd

    • vickie
    • May 19, 2014

    I have a female chiwawa and she is in her first heat I keep her away from my male chiwawa don’t want her too get preagant now or ever have apt too take her too the vet but I am on ssi and they say it will cost 250 bucks but its worth it too me I love my babies

      • Vicki
      • May 29, 2014

      My Chihuahua nipples often stay huge after a heat cycle. Some times yrs but they eventually reduced to almost normal. The lower nipples always stay larger. At least with my girl. She is in heat right now so they are bigger but not huge like other times. I hope this helps you.

    • sandyd
    • May 13, 2014

    Hi I have a 5 year old Chihuahua and her nipples the two closest to her bottom are sswollen since her last heat..what can I do to bring them down? Any help would be appreciated!

      • Michelle
      • July 29, 2019

      I have the same problem, wondering if u found a solution or given any advice!
      I took mine to the vets and they did a scan and said she is fine, but would rather her not have these swollen.

    • rate eileen
    • May 7, 2014

    My girl came in heat and she 6or7 months she is very nasty and aggressive with me, when changing her diaper or attaching the harness belt from the pet store. She is not like that with anyone else n the family. I feed, walk and bath her w no problem is this normal. .

    Concerned. Ray eileen

    • sue
    • April 24, 2014

    I have a 1yr old and I know shes in heat, but I also noticed that her nipples are getting bigger everyday and she is also swollen does this mean she is pregnant cuz I have another male dog who’s been mounting her but never locked in can she be pregnant?someone please help me

      • pat
      • November 11, 2014

      This happened to one of my cats. It was a hormone problem that when they are fixed will go away. You don’t have a choice NOT to fix them or they can die. She was perfect after surgery!!

    • april
    • April 22, 2014

    Hi my female Chihuahua is about 8 months she just had her first cycle its over now. But shes developed lumps around her nipples as well as fuller nipples. its giving me reason to worry. Is this normal?

    • Haley
    • April 18, 2014

    I have a half Mexican chihuahua, half tea cup chihuahua. She is about a year and two months old. I noticed this morning that her woman parts are swollen and her pp is bleeding a little. I haven’t noticed this happening to her before. My boyfriends stepmom has a male chihuahua she brings over often to his grandmas house, where we live with our female chihuahua. Could they have mated? Is this why she is lightly bleeding or is she in her first heat?

    • diane
    • March 15, 2014

    reading the post are breaking my heart. isnt there a program in your state that will help with the cost of spaying these little ones? I love my little Chi so much I dont want her to have to go through this. she is 5 months old and has had her vet apt. to be spayed since i got her.Im not against breeding BUT just because a dog can be bred doesnt mean you need to breed her.if you are going to bred PLEASE study and read anything you can get your hands on,,,study,study,study….be prepaired for anything that could and will happen.Please love your dog enough to do that for her, thank you, Diane

    • Doreen
    • March 2, 2014

    What about other females being around a female in heat

    • Monica
    • February 27, 2014

    My female chi is almost 3yr since we had her we only saw her bleed one’s n this was when she was 1 yr.She licks herself a lot never let’s my male chi get close he humps her but she bite. Will she very get pregant.

    • shelli
    • February 24, 2014

    my chi is 3 years old and is coming in heat every 4 months. It is driving me crazy. it just seems like she is always in heat. is this normal. we plan on getting her fixed but do not have the money right now.

      • Karen
      • April 23, 2016

      There are free neuter and spay programs. At least, in Arizona there is in the Phoenix metro area. So, please have your chihuahua spayed so that she or the puppies don’t suffer if you can’t get them adopted out. The Chi is a very common breed in the southwest, at least, that is what I’ve seen. And the chihuahua I have, was rescued by me. So, please check with your local humane society or ASPCA and not let there be unwanted dogs. Follow the advice and care for your dog as other dog owners have done on this site.

    • marie
    • February 10, 2014

    hi..may chi is 8 months and got her first heat…how many months do you think his second heat?? its my first time to take care of chi..

      • Dexter
      • June 24, 2014

      Ha it Dort of worries me that your chihuahua is goimg through heat and is a “he”

      • Chrissy
      • December 16, 2014

      My Chihuahua had her first heat about 6-8 months also. Her second one didn’t come until almost a year later. Check with your vet and see what they say

    • Sandie
    • February 2, 2014

    Hi my chi first came on her cycle on Friday 31st of January just the swelling so what day would I breed her on many thanks sandie

    • Fatima
    • February 1, 2014

    My chihuahua had her first heat in dec2012 her 2nd July 2013 she hasn’t had one since ,does anyone know why r has this happened to anyone else’s dog.

      • Chrissy
      • December 16, 2014

      Chihuahua’s vary at when they go into heat. One of my Chihuahua’s went into her first heat at about 6 months. And the second one she had almost a year later. But check with your vet and see what they say.

    • Annie Montgomery
    • February 1, 2014

    My almost 2 year old female has been so kind to my almost one year old she has cleaned her up and they have been so close. My older dog protects my chihuahua . It is a precious sight.

    • Lisa
    • January 22, 2014

    Chrisie my vet said we could get our Chihuahua Terrier mix spayed while in heat for an extra charge. Hope that helps.

    • chrisie
    • January 20, 2014

    Half chihuahua half terrier in heat 2 or 3 days, swollen, bleeding, licking, and just turned one. Getting her fixed has been on my to do list actually written down but we’ve been moving for 2 wks. So busy packing, working, moving, so question is, when can I get her fixed? Wait 3-4 wks till she’s done with all stages?

    • vicky
    • January 20, 2014

    Hi I have a chihuahua crossed with a pug and she is having pups but she still hasn’t went big like a normal dog would and she only has 3weeks left

    • Rose
    • January 6, 2014

    Hi, My chihuahua went in heat about 6 weeks ago,is this normal to go this long? She humps her stuffed animal all the time and is still swollen. Shes 8 months old and this is her first cycle. How much longer will this last.?

    • shanna
    • December 26, 2013

    Sashus is 8 months and I’m surprised she is not bleeding
    heavily. We are giving her space until all is over, but how long does this last?

    1. Reply

      Hey Shanna,

      Chihuahuas bleed the heaviest when they initially go into heat. The entire cycle lasts about 3 weeks, at which point the bleeding should stop and her swelling subside.

    • Crystal
    • December 21, 2013

    If she got hooked yes she can be. Just tell the vet when u take her that away they can check her

    • Paula
    • December 19, 2013

    My 8 month old chi, is in heat and has been for a week now but no blood. Well today she got out and my son come in and told me she was “stuck” with on of my outside dogs. Does that mean she could possibly be pregnant? I was going to get her fixed next month, already have appointment set.

  2. Reply

    Hey, my chihuahua is in her first heat, she is almost 9 months old and we have been doing our best to keep her away from our male. But they found a way to mate and got stuck. I am worried that she is pregnant and don’t want anything bad to happen to her. So I was wondering if it was possible for her to have a healthy pregnancy and what I can do to help her. I am unable to take her to the vet because of financial reasons right now. So I was wondering what I should do.

      • Jennifer
      • February 2, 2014

      This happened to my chihuahua when she was 2 years old back in 1997 and our vet gave her a shot to prevent here to become pregnant bc the other dog involved was a neighbors dog and breed unknown but 4 times the size of my dog- so obviously she couldn’t give birth to puppies of that size without risking her life. Perhaps you could look into this should it happen again. I do not recall it being but around $50 or less. Obviously cheaper than having a litter of puppies who will need shots and such later.

    • natalia bibby
    • December 9, 2013

    Hi my 8month old chi keeps humping my kitten… also im not sure is its wee or a clear liquid around her vigina could this be a sign of her coming in heat or just playfull?

    1. Reply

      Hey Natalia,

      It’s hard to tell based solely on this information. The female’s natural hormones oftentimes creates the urge to mimic the sexual movements of males. And when a female goes into heat, she produces more of these hormones. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s in heat or going into heat, but female Chihuahuas are more likely to exhibit this behavior when they are about to start.

    • amii
    • December 1, 2013

    my dogs have swollen vulvas is but noticed any blood or not red what does this mean ? an should I started counting her cycle now or when ? xx I only noticed today

      • Amanda
      • December 10, 2013

      I too would like to know when I start counting. My dog is clearly in heat and at least 4 days to a week. No blood or anything that I can see, although she is always licking it so it’s hard to tell if there’s clear fluid. And she is a bit more aggressive and playful and she is beginning to hump people.

        • Jayla Brackeen
        • January 1, 2015

        My chihuahua is doing the exact same thing. I’d like to know if I need to worry about impregnation and when.

    1. Reply

      Sounds like the early stages of heat. Keep an eye on her during the next few days to see if she starts bleeding, as this is when a female Chihuahua’s cycle technically begins.

  3. Reply

    ruby is 5 month on her cycle can she get pregnancy at 5 month

    1. Reply

      Hey Mary,

      A female Chihuahua can become pregnant following her first cycle, but 5 months is way too young for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

        • Chrissy
        • December 15, 2014

        Mary you should wait until your Chihuahua is 2 years old before she gets pregnant. At 5 months she is still a puppy herself. She will not know how to take care of her offspring. And she will have a difficult time delivering. My niece’s Chihuahua got pregnant at 5 months and more than one of her puppies was getting caught in the birth canal. One of the puppies was caught so bad that she had to be taken to the vet. She had to stay overnight and the vet ended up fixing her. After getting fixed she ended up getting a hernia.

      • tina
      • July 18, 2015

      Yes she can

    • daniela
    • November 18, 2013

    so you can use diapers when there on their heat cycle? or what other things can you use?

    1. Reply

      Hey Daniela,

      Either the disposable or cloth reusable doggie diapers work for female Chihuahuas in heat. Just remember to choose the appropriate size so they comfortably stay on your Chihuahua. Another idea is to wrap your Chihuahua up in an old blanket. Hope this helps!

      • Bethany
      • July 13, 2014

      What I did for my dachound Lulu when she was a puppy and going through her special time I went to my local pharmacy and bought the tiniest. baby diapers I could find which were premature baby diapers I just cut a hole out with a exactO knife in the bottom to make a hole for her tail I then put masking tape on the edges that were cut to prevent fraying I hoped this helped I am going to use this method on my chi when she starts

      • Chrissy
      • December 16, 2014

      You can use actual diapers for dogs. Or you can use cloth doggie diapers and use panty liners. That’s what I use for my Chihuahua’s. And yes you can wash the cloth dog diapers in the washing machine

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