Teaching a Chihuahua Not to Bite

Stop your Chihuahua from biting

Biting is an instinctual characteristic shared by all dogs, and Chihuahuas are no exception.

Long before we domesticated them, dogs have used their teeth to kill prey, improve jaw strength, fend off predators, establish dominance in their pack’s social hierarchy, and play with other canines. Modern-day dogs have inherited this behavior from their ancestors, biting when provoked or otherwise stimulated. Unfortunately, this often results in owners, family members or complete strangers getting bit — behavior that should not be allowed.

Is a Biting Chihuahua Really That Bad?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 4.7 million dog bites occur in the U.S. each year, 800,000 of which require medical attention. Because of their small size, however, many owners turn a blind eye to their Chihuahua’s biting. After all, how much harm can a 5-pound Chihuahua really cause?

While a bite from a Chihuahua isn’t going to inflict the same damage as a bite from a larger dog like a pit bull or boxer, it can still leave a painful wound that’s prone to infection. There’s an old myth that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth, but this isn’t a true. A dog’s saliva may contain one or more disease-causing pathogens, including Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Capnocytophaga canimorsus. When a Chihuahua bites, germs such as these can enter through the wound and cause an infection.

Biting is also a financial liability for the owner. If someone is bitten by your Chihuahua while visiting your home, the victim could sue for the cost of medical bills, pain and suffering, and other related expenses. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III) and State Farm, roughly one-third of all homeowner’s insurance claims paid out in 2014 and 2015 involved dog bites.

Furthermore, it’s usually children between the ages of 5 and 9 who are bitten by dogs. Their small size, erratic movements, and inability to identify a dog’s temperament makes them a prime target for an attack. Children and Chihuahuas can safely coexist in the same home, but only after teaching both the boundaries of acceptable behavior.

Why Chihuahuas Bite

Chihuahuas possess innate behavioral traits passed down from their ancestors, including biting. Even the most docile “lap-friendly” Chihuahua can bite when pushed to the edge. To prevent this unacceptable behavior, owners must familiarize themselves with some of the reasons why Chihuahuas bite.


Teething Chihuahua with rope toy

A Chihuahua puppy’s baby teeth (milk teeth) will erupt through his gums at 3 to 5 weeks of age, allowing the pup to transition from mother’s milk to dry food. To relieve the discomfort associated with this developmental process, puppies will bite and chew on just about anything they can get their paws on, including toys, socks, shoes, carpet, rugs or even your hand.

This behavior will continue until all 28 baby teeth have erupted. Your Chihuahua’s biting and chewing habits may return when his adult teeth erupt — usually occurring around 3 to 4 months of age.

Because of his young age, a puppy’s bite isn’t going to inflict much damage, nor does he intend to cause damage. Nonetheless, it’s important to begin teaching your Chihuahua early that biting is not acceptable.

Follow these tips to control your Chihuahua’s biting during the teething stage:

  • Allow but don’t encourage your Chihuahua to bite your fingers.
  • Teach bite inhibition by pulling your hand away saying “Ouch! That hurts!” when your Chihuahua bites too hard. This is the single most important thing you can do (we explain in greater detail below).
  • Fill ice cube trays with low-sodium chicken or beef broth and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, offer the cool treat to your teething Chihuahua.
  • Chilled carrots are an excellent and nutritious treat for a teething Chihuahua.
  • Divert your Chihuahua’s chewing away from things like shoes and carpet by providing them proper toys. Rope toys are great because they can withstand countless hours of chewing. Kong toys are some of the toughest dog toys on the market, making them perfect for a teething Chihuahua. You can even fill them with water and freeze it for added relief of sore gums.
  • Avoid plush toys, as they offer little-to-no relief of sore gums and are easily torn apart.

Maternal Aggression

Chihuahua mother nursing her litter

Female Chihuahuas are more likely to bite during the first 2-3 weeks after giving birth. Known as maternal aggression, this behavior is the result of powerful chemical alterations occurring throughout her body, including increased production of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, and decreased production of progesterone.

Known as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is released by the hypothalamus section of the brain and is associated with maternal bonding, nurturing and attachment. It’s used to stimulate contractions during labor, helping the fetus move through the birth canal.

Levels of the calming hormone progesterone decrease when a female Chihuahua is about to give birth, triggering increased production of the hormone prolactin. In addition to stimulating milk production, prolactin is associated with nesting and maternal instinct. Veterinary experts believe prolactin is also primarily responsible for the behaviors exhibited by female dogs during pseudopregnancy. These hormonal changes experienced by a female Chihuahua during pregnancy, or shortly after, can make her more aggressive.

You shouldn’t attempt to correct a female Chihuahua’s maternal aggression, but rather keep your distance until her hormones go back to normal. If you need to inspect or weigh her puppies, wait until she leaves her nesting area for food or water. Her aggression should gradually fade with each passing day after giving birth, with her behavior returning to normal within 3 to 4 weeks.

Pain-Induced Aggression

Chihuahuas have a natural instinct to protect themselves from danger. When a Chihuahua experiences pain, he may lash out and bite the person nearest to him, regardless of whether that individual caused the pain. He doesn’t know who or what caused the pain, but his natural fight-or-flight instinct tells him to lash out at the nearest person or animal.

According to a study of 13 dogs conducted by researchers at Autonomous University, Barcelona, pain-inducted aggression was identified in all dogs. “Dogs that had never been aggressive before the onset of pain began to behave in this way in situations where an attempt is made to control them,” explained lead researcher Tomàs Camps. This study was published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior— Clinical Applications and Research.

If your Chihuahua suffers from a medical condition like patellar luxation, which is common in this breed, he may exhibit aggressive behavior when touched in the affected knee. Owners and family members should use caution when handling a Chihuahua who’s suffering from painful physical conditions or injuries to avoid being bit.

A Chihuahua doesn’t necessarily have to be suffering from an injury or medical condition to exhibit pain-induced aggression. Toy breeds are most susceptible to pain-induced aggression because of their small size and heightened sensitivity towards pain. If a child (or adult) presses pulls, pinches or pushes your Chihuahua with too much force, he or she may get bit.

Signs that your Chihuahua is in pain may include:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Flattened ears
  • Loss of appetite
  • Not interested in playing
  • Reluctance to accept treats
  • Yelping, whining or growling when touched (reactions such as these typically occur when a specific spot is touched)
  • Difficulty jumping and climbing stairs
  • Heavy panting
  • Excessive paw-licking
  • Difficulty sleeping

If you believe your canine companion is suffering from pain, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian ASAP. After performing an examination, your veterinarian can help to identify the cause of the pain and offer advice on treatment and pain medication options.

Past Abuse

According to the study “Behavioral and Psychological Characteristics of Canine Victims of Abuse” published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (JAAWS), dogs with a history of past abuse were more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior towards unfamiliar people and unfamiliar dogs.

If you adopted a Chihuahua from a shelter or rescue, perhaps his biting is the result of abuse by a former owner. You can check with the organization from which you adopted your Chihuahua to see if there’s any history of abuse, but many cases go unreported. 

Whether it’s physical abuse, social isolation, yelling/verbal punishment, confinement to a chain, or removing the pup from its mother too early, abuse comes in many different forms. Some Chihuahuas recover quickly from such abuse, while others have lasting emotional scars that sow the seeds for aggressive behavior.

Teaching a Chihuahua with past abuse to trust humans again isn’t an easy task, nor will it happen overnight. With time, patience, dedication and lots of affection, however, you can help your Chihuahua overcome these negative feelings.


Biting Chihuahua

Chihuahua is more likely to bite another animal or person if he fears for his safety. Veterinarians are often the target of such aggression, simply because dogs are fearful of unfamiliar people and situations. When you take your Chihuahua to see a new veterinarian for the first time, he may growl and nip during the examination. The veterinarian isn’t going to harm your canine companion, but he or she is still perceived as a potential threat.

Because the victims of fear bites are typically strangers, owners should tell strangers not to pet or otherwise touch their Chihuahua. It’s not uncommon for strangers to stop and pet dogs at the park. In doing so, they place themselves at risk of being bitten. If you walk your Chihuahua in a park or other public area, politely decline any requests to pet your canine companion, unless your Chihuahua is familiar with the individual.

Socialization is key to nipping fear-inducted biting in the bud.


Chihuahuas have a natural instinct to protect what they believe is their property, including toys, food, treats, water, beds, people and home. Known as territorial aggression, a Chihuahua is more likely to bite another person or animal if that person or animal encroaches upon their property. The purpose of this isn’t to harm the individual but to make him or her go away.

A prime example of territorial aggression is when a postal worker delivers mail to a home, only to get chased and potentially bitten by the homeowner’s dog. According to a report by the United States Postal Service (USPS), 6,549 of its employees were attacked by dogs in 2015. The dog perceives the postal worker as encroaching upon HIS territory, so his natural instinct is to chase the postal worker away.

Preventing bites from territorial aggression begins with teaching your Chihuahua that it’s YOUR property and that YOU will protect it. If he acts aggressively when a stranger knocks on the door, show him that it’s okay by asking a friend to come over and knock and enter through the front door, rewarding your Chihuahua with a treat afterward.

If your Chihuahua is aggressive in a particular area, such as the corner of the living room, give him access to the area only when he’s not displaying signs of aggression. You can do the same if he’s aggressive around a toy, taking the toy away and giving it back when he’s docile. Some experts also recommend making dogs “work” for their toys and property by performing basic obedience commands like sit or heel, after which the dog is rewarded with the toy or item. Along with regular socialization and positive reinforcement, this can put an end to territorial aggression.

To prevent territorial aggression around food, carefully approach your Chihuahua with a treat while he’s eating. He should stop eating momentarily to accept the treat, after which you should walk away and wait a few minutes before returning with another treat. This shows your Chihuahua that it’s not always bad when someone enters his territory.


Certain illnesses and diseases may trigger aggressive behavior in Chihuahuas. Hypothyroidism is one such disease that can make an otherwise docile dog more likely to bite. Located next to the larynx (voice box), the thyroid gland is a small gland that’s responsible for producing thyroid hormones, which regulate healthy metabolic functions. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of these hormones.

While hypothyroidism occurs mostly in larger breeds, Chihuahuas may develop it as well. A simple blood test performed at the veterinarian’s office can reveal whether your Chihuahua is suffering from this disease. Thyroid hormone supplements like Levothyroxine (Soloxine) are often prescribed to treat hypothyroidism in dogs.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Lethargy
  • Hair loss and excessive shedding
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • High cholesterol
  • Anemia

Lyme disease is another disease that’s been linked to aggressive behavior in dogs. Transmitted through the bite of an infected tick, it can cause swollen joints, swollen lymph nodes, lethargy, loss of appetite, as well as neurological symptoms like irritability, confusion and aggression. However, only 5-10% of dogs with Lyme disease show symptoms.

There’s a vaccine available for Lyme disease, but many veterinarians recommend traditional tick prevention methods instead due to the risk of adverse reactions from vaccination.

Teaching Your Chihuahua Not to Bite

There’s no universal training technique that will stop all Chihuahuas from biting. Dogs bite for many reasons, and the method for stopping this behavior varies depending on the trigger. With that said, the following tips can greatly reduce many instances of biting and other forms of aggression in Chihuahuas.

Don’t Punish for Growling

Many owners scold or otherwise punish their Chihuahuas for growling. In doing so, they eliminate a key warning sign that precedes biting. If you teach your Chihuahua that growling is bad, perhaps he’ll bite without warning the next time he’s provoked. The possibility of biting is still there, but the warning sign — growling — is removed.

Allowing your Chihuahua to growl may sound counterproductive if you’re trying to teach him not to bite, but it’s actually beneficial. Owners can teach their children to back away from the Chihuahua when he growls to avoid getting bit.

Growling may also reveal the cause of his aggression. If your Chihuahua growls when picked up, perhaps he’s suffering from a painful injury or medical condition. If he growls when another pet approaches his crate, his aggression is territorial.

Teach Bite Inhibition

Teaching Chihuahua bite inhibition

Bite inhibition refers to a dog’s ability to control the force of his bite. When you give your Chihuahua a treat, for instance, he shouldn’t bite your hand using the full strength of his jaw. If he knows bite inhibition, he’ll accept the treat more cautiously to prevent injuring you. The goal isn’t to prevent your Chihuahua from biting, but rather to teach him to control the force of his of bite.

Puppies learn bite inhibition at an early age while nursing and playing with their littermates. If a puppy bites one his littermates too hard, the littermate may let out a high-pitched yelp, saying “You bit me too hard — and it hurt!” The same goes for puppies while nursing: biting the mother too hard may cause her to get up and walk away. If a puppy wants to play and nurse, he must learn to control his bite.

This is one of the reasons why puppies should stay with their mother for at least eight weeks. If a puppy is removed too early, he’s less likely to develop bite inhibition through playing and nursing. The same goes for singletons who are born without playmates.

Here are the three rules to follow when teaching bite inhibition:

  1. Respond to forceful bites. When your Chihuahua bites too hard, respond by pulling your hand away and saying “Ouch, that hurt!” You should then ignore him for the next few minutes to discourage forceful biting.
  2. Be consistent with your training efforts. Consistency is key when teaching your Chihuahua bite inhibition. If you respond with a loud “Ouch” on one occasion but not the next, it confuses him by sending mixed messages.
  3. Reinforce into adulthood. Bite inhibition is best taught at an early age, while the puppy is still young. However, you should continue to reinforce it well into your Chihuahua’s adulthood.


Chihuahuas are much more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior if they aren’t socialized. When a Chihuahua isn’t exposed to other people, animals and environments, he’s likely to develop fear-induced aggression, such as biting an unfamiliar person’s hand. 

One study conducted by researchers from Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University found that unsocialized puppies were 580 times more likely to develop aggression problems later in life.

The idea behind socialization is to show your Chihuahua that other people and animals aren’t bad, preferably while he’s still a puppy. Puppies are most sensitive to socialization between the ages of 3 and 16 weeks, making this is a critical time to prevent aggression. If your Chihuahua has positive experiences with other people and animals at a young age, he’ll develop a more relaxed disposition towards unfamiliar faces in the future.

Here are some tips to follow when socializing your Chihuahua:

  • Make sure your Chihuahua is up to date on his vaccinations before exposing him to other people and animals.
  • Take a trip to the pet store with your Chihuahua.
  • Bring your Chihuahua on car trips (just don’t leave him in the car).
  • Go on walks with your Chihuahua, such as dog parks, around the neighborhood, wooded trails, etc.
  • Play fetch with your Chihuahua outdoors.
  • When taking your Chihuahua to a dog park, walk him around the outside of the fence first.
  • Take your Chihuahua to friends’ and family members’ homes.
  • Invite friends or family members over to your home, encouraging them to play with your Chihuahua.
  • Sign up for a group-based obedience training class.
  • Reward your Chihuahua with a treat after each socialization experience.


Spaying or neutering may reduce aggression in Chihuahuas. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California, intermale aggression was reduced in 60% of male dogs by neutering, with a rapid reduction of aggression in 25% and a gradual reduction in 35%.

Neutering results in lower levels of testosterone, reducing behavior associated with this hormone such as urinating to mark territory, hyperactivity, running away, and aggression.

Spaying a female Chihuahua eliminates her heat cycle, and subsequently the behaviors associated with going into heat. It may also reduce female hormone-driven behavior, including nest guarding in pseudopregnancy.

In the past, it was widely believed that neutering male dogs before puberty was necessary to prevent these behavioral problems. A study cited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA), however, suggests that neutering male dogs in adulthood is just as effective at reducing aggression as neutering before puberty.

Professional Help for Biting and Aggression

Happy, docile Chihuahua not biting

When all else fails, seek professional help for your Chihuahua’s behavior. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) recommends consulting with a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB) or a board-certified veterinary behaviorist.

Alternatively, you can seek professional help from a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT) or member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT).

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t throw in the towel just because your previous training efforts have failed.





    • Kami
    • April 20, 2022

    My Chi will bite and get aggressive when we try to put on his harness to take him out for a walk, even though he likes to go for walks and if you in try to pick him up from where he is laying to move him.. Any suggestions?

      • Cindy Daugherty
      • July 29, 2022

      My 9onth old chiweene does this same thing. Almost to the point of biting me,when I try to put her leash on. I have tried stopping and walking away, tried lots but, nothing helps.

      • Carrie
      • August 16, 2022

      Mine did this after I accidentally pinched him putting on his harness. I got a new one with a different latch, which didn’t seem to matter. So now I just speak really softly and let him come to me. When I lift him up to harness him he almost always threatens to bite. I just speak soft reassurances and he let’s me. Mine is afraid. Maybe yours is too?

      • Lydia
      • March 11, 2023

      My chihuahua is the same way. We stopped putting clothes on him. And put his harness outside.

      • Maggie
      • April 14, 2023

      My Jack-Chi does the same. I was bitten several times. Now I just use a slip lead and he is okay with that, and I don’t need to put my hands near his mouth. It doesn’t solve his biting but it does save my hands!
      Would love to figure out another way though.

      • Heather
      • July 26, 2023

      I am having the same issues

    • Eileen Fiorentino
    • February 17, 2022

    How should I introduce my 6 year old new chi to our 8 year old cat?

    • Jan
    • January 17, 2022

    Shannon, I am going through that right now too. I’m Sure that his arthritis is partly to blame. I do think he may have Thyroid issues, and I know for sure he has kneecap problems. His back legs can no longer support him for more than a minute or two. So I’m sure that his aggression towards me is his response to pain. Sometimes he yelps loudly and snaps when I try to pick him up to help him. This dog adores me and wants to be with me always, no matter where I am. All this to say…

    Get his thyroid checked and his joints checked. That might be the key to your fur baby’s aggression too. Best wishes.

    • Melissa
    • May 17, 2020

    We adopted a rescue chihuahua-mix at 4 months and have now had her for almost 2 years. She has had 4 rounds of dog training. Both in-class and one-to-one. She is the sweetest dog with our family but it ends there. We have another dog and children. She has now taken up attacking people when they come through our front door. I feel like no matter what we do she is not making any progress with her aggressive behavior. Any suggestions.

      • Heather
      • July 26, 2023

      Ours is now 5 months but he bites everyone, us friends, attacks our calm pompoo….

    • Kaylan Neal
    • April 23, 2020

    My chihuahua puppy is 3 months old and I got him when he was 5 weeks. He is constantly around 2 chihuahuas who are 5 and 6 years old. They have been teaching him bite inhibition when he plays but he still bites us humans extremely hard. We started out by tapping him on the nose and saying no but now that is not working anymore. He has started to draw blood (unintentionally) but it is getting worse. We’ve tried yelling ow every time he bites but that doesn’t work either. He’s not aggressive when he bites, he just bites. I’ve bought him several chews and teething toys but that hasn’t curbed the biting either. What should I do?

    • Lucia
    • March 23, 2020


    I’ve just got a Chi pup she’s 3 months old I’ve only had her a few days but been together none stop since and she has got way too used to me already she follows me around, she has to sleep with me (on me) haha or she cries! She has to be sitting on me or she’ll cry and I’m not sure how to break this so I can have my arms free 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
    I have a little bed for her and I want her to sleep in that as she is still being puppy pad trained and I was wondering if anyone has any advice!
    Thanks a lot!

    • Diana Shearer
    • January 18, 2020

    The 3 amigos! I have 2 males and 1 female. Oreo has never liked anyone that visits the house- initially he acts friendly till the guest try’s to pet him then he growls. I have tried having guests give him a treat upon entering the house but that doesn’t seem to help! My female -Mittens now has started trying to nip at children when they come to the house she becomes afraid I’ve noticed! Now I feel like I have to crate the dogs when having visitors at the house. I do want to want to comment that my Mittens and Oreo hated each other initially. It just took time for them to become friends like 6-9 months. I kept returning to the pet store and asking for help and the advice they gave me was that the 2 dogs will work it out in time. What helped was walking them side by side outside on walks and training them together with treats. Now they can’t be apart and they play with each other all the time! There’s hope! So I hope I can get advice for my issue with children and guests when visiting!

    • Diana Shearer
    • January 18, 2020

    The 3 Amigos! They range in age-13 years old (recently diagnosed w/Lymes Disease) then 7 years old and 5 years old. My oldest Chi loves everyone young and old, dogs included. The 7 year old no longer likes children when coming to the house, the 5 year old Chi growls at everyone the minute I open the front door. This is new behavior for my female 7 year old Chi and I’m not sure how to handle either behavior when children come to the house other than crating them upon arrival of kids. I also want to mention my 7 year old female did not like the 5 year old male upon arrival to the house when we first brought him home. It took months for them to become friends, just time! I kept going back to the pet store where I bought him and saying what can I do ? they hate each other and the pet store re assured us that in time they would work it out! They were right! Now they are the best of friends and play with each other! Now they can’t be apart or they cry! So give it time and take them on walks together side by side and teaching commands side by side with treats etc..

    • Robert A. Stine
    • December 1, 2019

    We have had our chihuahua since he was a puppy. He is eight years old. He was on my lap sitting up and I went to kiss him and he bite me on my lip. Between myself and my wife he has chosen me to be the pack leader. I thought we were very close. He has always showed his displeasure by showing his teeth sticking out his tong ever since we have had him but has never bite. I have never struck him and he has been loved very much. I have kissed him many times before. Sometimes he would show his teeth and growl but allow me to kiss him. If I pulled away he would paw me as to say “don’t stop trying to kiss me.” I did not strike him, we put him in his cage right away to cool off. He seemed to know he did bad. He looked at me from a distance. Are other chihuahua immediately came and checked me out. I do not know what to do. Please advise.

    • Pauline Skjoth
    • November 20, 2019

    We have had a Maltese x chi for 2 months he is 5 years old. he has become so protective, especially with my husband he snaps at people really quite bad. We think he has been hit with a rolled up newspaper in the past as he is terrified of one. We had him neutered thought that might make him less aggressive. We have to warn people not to touch him, it has made some family members uncomfortable around him.

    • Diane
    • November 14, 2019

    I have 2 chorkies 10 weeks old. They get aggressive with each other when they play. Should I let them work it out or step in?

    • Marlene
    • November 1, 2019

    How can I get my chipin to go poop on the pad he will pee on the pad not poop help

    • Jennifer
    • June 4, 2019

    Can someone please help us? We adopted a chihuahua in September 2015 and we know he was abused because he was only 10 pounds. He keeps attacking my husband and the behavior keeps getting worse since my mother passed away last July 2018. He is find and the next he starts growling or biting. I really love Scooby but it has been almost four years and the abuse scars are not going away. He is obsessed with me, mommy dependent so not sure what that would mean. Any help will be appreciated.

    • Angel83
    • March 25, 2019

    I have rescued a male chihuahua and I know very little about him. He is quite aggressive and I’m not sure what to do. It’s hard because I know very little about him. I want to give him the best life I can but I’m really struggling with the aggression. Please help 🙏🏼

    • Stacey
    • November 7, 2018

    I have just got a puppy she’s 10 weeks now she is very snappy and has bit few times I have shouted at her every time even tapped the nose but she still doing it any tips please as I have a staff and she wasn’t at all like this as a pup

      • Shannon Muse
      • February 2, 2019

      Mine bit me twice this morning…He didnt want to be picked up off the bed and then I was playing with him and he bit me in the eye…5 yr old male who has worshipped the in walked on for 5 years.. I dont get it…Makes me want to take him out back…This dog literally saved my life when I was sick and now this? What a Fing slap to the face

    • Mandy Compton
    • October 17, 2018

    I have a 4 year old Chihuahua we’ve had him since birth he’s been around my husband for 4 years and he literally will not let my husband touch me or when he tries to go out the door he will bite my husband how do I fix that

      • Amie Wagstaff
      • December 15, 2018

      Get a new husband 🤣

      • Robert
      • January 6, 2019

      We have a chiwinnie and he is good to me when it’s just us two (hes laying on my lap now) but he is very attached to his mother he comes between us when we sit or sleep together and dont get me started if I try to be affectionate he barks at me when I come home.. if you hear anything let me know (hes a rescue so I think it’s his past)

        • Gliria
        • November 11, 2019

        Two month chihuha mix likes to bite our feet and fingersm

      • Tiffany colby
      • April 28, 2021

      I have a puppy Chihuahua she nips on my arms and and feet doesn’t leave any spots but sure does hurt how do I get her to stop

    • Kelley
    • July 2, 2018

    Hello! I have a soon to be 10 month old chi named ASIA. I have had her since she was 4 months old. She plays very well with my 2 1/2 year old Shih Tzu named Bentley. I have had Bentley since he was 8 weeks old. I recently got another chi named Max. He is only 7 weeks old. I have had him for a little over a week now. My problem is not with biting. Neither Asia nor Bentley is receptive to Max. Asia avoids him at all cost. If I put him in the bed with us, She will sleep in the livingroom. If he goes near her, she will move to another area of the house. Recently she has started sniffing his bottom, but afterwards she will move away from him. I took Max to the vet this Saturday for his first check-up. The vet gave him his first shots, treated fleas with frontline spray and gave him a dewormer. His weight and everything else was fine. My Shih Tzu, Bentley, barks and growls at him everytime Max comes close to him. They act like they hate the little guy! I can’t understand why they are acting this way. Max is so adorable. He tries to play with them, but they are not having it. Please help! What can I do to change their behavior toward Max? Asia is probably the friendliest chi anyone would ever meet. She doesn’t meet a stranger! She loves on everyone.

      • Tanja in Sweden
      • March 19, 2019

      Give it time! It took MONTHS before our ”old”
      dog (4 years old female) warmed up enough to the puppy to let him sleep on the same piece of furniture as she was on. It was heartbreaking to see him (the puppy) approach his biggest idol and she would just go away. But this is natural and normal, she was tired of playing with him and needed self time. Now he is 9 months and they have found their balance. They do not snuggle up against each other, but who knows, maybe one day. We have to let go of our expectations and let dogs be dogs. I hope your dogs are accepting each other by now!

    • Ronda
    • June 28, 2018

    I have a male chihuahua just a little over two years old he is very aggressive with men when I’m around but if I’m not at home he plays with them sits on their laps is not aggressive at all even when I’m home he’ll sit on their lap but soon as they get up start walking he goes after their ankles I don’t know what to do about to purchase a muzzle to see if he will stop I guess my question is if I fixed him will this help he only weighs about a pound and a half but he’s very vicious when I’m around

      • Angel
      • November 9, 2018

      Simple. He owns you, and everyone else. He is guarding you, and trying to stop them from leaving. He’s the boss, and evidently, no one is stopping him. Put that dog in his place. If you are afraid of being bitten, definitely get a muzzle, but you cannot let him attack people. You don’t have to beat him, just dominate every aspect of his life. Food when you say food. Bed when you say bed. Potty when you say potty. Play starts and stops when YOU want. As far as being aggressive towards people, DONT LET HIM. Hold him DOWN, don’t hold him back, until he gives up. He’ll make alot of noise, and seem like your murdering him, but YOU have to win. If he is aggressive in your lap, put him on the floor. If he tries to hide, bring him back out. He can’t attack, can’t run, he’s got to accept that you da boss, and you will protect him, not him protect you.

    • Kim
    • April 15, 2018

    Okay here goes my long story. I just got a male chihuahua about three or four from my daughter because she couldn’t handle him and I felt bad because I didn’t want to see him go into a shelter we already have one dog that we adopted a Husky and they get along fine. The dog does not like men he’s very attached to me he follows me he sleeps with me he even goes in the bathroom with me lol. I love my little boogie that’s his name but he doesn’t like my husband whom I love very much. My husband is very gentle with him and is trying to teach him but every time he goes to pet him the dog growls and snaps of him especially when the dog is in the bed with me. My husband is a very gentle man and he’s trying to be patient but he’s starting to give up on the dog and I don’t want that to happen. Almost everything I have read has not helped my problem I don’t know what to do to stop this dog from snapping and biting my husband. My husband has already said that if it doesn’t stop we have to give him away. Please somebody help me and let me know what to do.

    • Remi
    • April 9, 2018

    Hi I have a 5 month old Chihauhau who bites me when I try to move him from my lap. I try to give him warning so not to scare him. I can put my hand in his food, take his toy from him and he’s good with that. I can’t decide what this is, fear or agrression because he’s not doing it at other times.

    • Sabra
    • January 26, 2018

    I recently adopted 1 year old female not sprayed yet.. Chihuahua/Schnauzer mix… she tends to growl at visitors for coming in my house and.. she eat popcorn chicken from the last owner.. how can I get my puppy to eat regular dog food??

      • Diana
      • January 18, 2020

      Continue to only offer dog food, eventually they will eat the dog food! Don’t give in!

    • Letha Crump
    • July 10, 2017

    Yes I have a 7 week old female chihuahua and when I try to pick her up our let her down off the bed she wants to growl and lashes out. Is there a certain way to pick her up and what can I do to minimize this in her. Thanks

      • Autumn Aubuchon
      • September 3, 2020

      If you found the answer to this question please share!!

    • Debbie
    • May 24, 2017

    Omg! Am I the only luckiest person to have the sweetest most playful , highly intelligent, loving,spoiled little Chihuahua!
    She his both outside potty trained for when I’m home and pee pad trained for when I’m away. My only complaint is that she is a very picky eater! She is a rescue and I’ve had her for almost 3 years. We had her 1year before my husband passed away and was just as attached to him also.
    One month ago my granddaughter brought me another “rescue” that was actually almost starved to death. I thought he was going to die but is doing much better. Vet says he’s only about 10 months old. We were told 1-2 yrs. he does have issues but one by one and day by day we are only conquering them. Patience!!!! Love!!!!!!!

    • Louis Copechal
    • November 20, 2016

    I have a 2 yrs old male chihuahua. He was fine until he got his 1 year old shots. I think it was the rabies shot. Well he has become aggressive and now has bitten myself and his owner my wife. Any and all help is appreciated. She has become afraid of him even though he is her dog. We do allow our chihuahuas to sleep with us and had noticed it since his shot he has gotten worse. The only time he isn’t mean is when he wants attention and most of the time he is sleeping. Please help because I do not want to lose him and am concerned.

    • Shelley
    • October 23, 2016

    At first I thought it was funny for my male chi to growl and be feisty, but now he will just hop and jump in my face and bite the heck out of me and he is only 9wks old.

      • Russ
      • May 23, 2017

      Hi Ms. Shelley, I found out if you stick your finger in her mouth and press the little towards the back ,she doesn’t like that , and she will stop biting .
      She makes a lot of different sounds , like she is trying to communicate with me . I’m still learning, what this 7 month old puppy is trying to convey to me .

        • Ginger
        • November 12, 2017

        I feel you! Just brought home 9 week old teacup Chi last week, and I can be asleep and Gigi will wake me up by diving on my face and biting ( HARD) my nose, lips, face & pulling my hair with her teeth! I wouldn’t dream of getting rid of her though. We will continue to train.

        • Sandra
        • April 21, 2018

        We got our Chihuahua when she was 5 months old. She’s 7 months old now and she will not stop bitting. It’s only play bitting but it’s still bitting. We’ve tried to stop her but I guess we’re not doing it right. Also we take her out to potty, she will pee outside and sometimes poop. But most of the time she will come back in the house and poop. What can we do to get her to stop bitting and get her to poop outside? Thanks

          • Dawn
          • August 31, 2018

          The biting I can’t help with. But the pooping issue is easy. Be consistent with taking your little one out every two hours and tell her, “poopie”. Whenever she poops outside praise her. She will catch on

          • Diana
          • January 18, 2020

          Crate training helps by providing a routine but you must size the crate small at first to not allow them room to do their business in the crate. This teaches the dog to hold themselves till released outside. We say crate and they go in the crate for a treat. When released we say out and give them time to do their business . Also if they don’t go to the bathroom they go back in the crate till they go potty. If they have been out of the crate for 2 hours I automatically tell and take the dogs out potty. Also taking the dog on walks helps since the dog smells the scent of other dogs and will then go potty! Teach the word potty!

    • Beatrice
    • October 14, 2016

    Have a small chihuahua lady couldn’t take care of him so I took him in he about 1 1/2 years old he was good at first but then he started to bit me he bit me on my lip and arm I’ll try to get him off the bed or sometimes pick him up he attack me what can i do!

      • Debra
      • December 27, 2016

      I purchased my roommate a chihuahua, for the first 6 months she loved this person a lot. We were fixing to have her spayed and she had a phantom pregnancy that’s when she started biting my roommate. After we had her spayed the vet said she might come down and stop the biting. But she did not stop biting my roommate. What can we do?

    • June
    • October 14, 2016

    I am 81 years old & active .I had a yorkshire terrier from Animals in distress,that was unfortunately killed by an Alsatian,a year ago.6 months went by & I was offered a long haired Chihuahua .I was told that he had bitten a Great Dane under the chin,who flung him off& damaged his pelvis .He recovered from this but will bark at the postman & nips at a lot of peoples ankles.He is not aggressive to me,but is a great worry,that I could do without.My son can only come for short periods as the dog goes manic when he comes in .I love him,but wish I had never agreed to have him.I dont know what to do& feel that the person who gave him did not tell the whole truth.
    I think the only answer is for him to be put down as I have tried hard to stop his behaviour & to socialise him.He hates the dog next door & would bite the whole family if he got the chance .What can I do.I cannot give him to some one else.
    I walk him twice a day & have control by telling not to bark firmly but this morning met the neighbor outside & he started to bite at her ankles

      • Jennifer Greenlee
      • December 16, 2017

      June maybe take your dog to a training class?

      • Kristi
      • January 2, 2018

      I had a boxer who as a puppy got it’s femur fx by a guy with a baseball bat. She was a liability but I spent money on training, meds, and it was fear I couldn’t make go away. So I took steps to make sure she would not bite. She loved her family and it took a while for her to trust us but she was worth it. She lived 13 years. It takes a lot when you have abused dogs big or little.

        • Pete T Whitehorn
        • January 28, 2018

        I hope your Chihuahua loves you and your new home.

    • Nadia Arslanoski
    • October 1, 2016

    Hi got a 8yr old chi, how do you stop her from biting people’s feet, anyone that comes over she charges at them, and bites, doesn’t bite us just other people and has to be careful N that I don’t leave the front door open in case she runs out! But she is soo placid when it’s just us and the other house hold home, she’s affectionate to us heaps! We even have put a muzzle on her when people come over! Sometimes she will warm to them and we take it off but then we have to be careful she doesn’t charge! It’s soo hard we try to do the whole ignore thing and NO thing but she still charges to the door! Please help I want my life back!

      • Ginger
      • November 12, 2017

      Please do not put him down!!!!! Someone will take him in , and love him. He needs to be rehabilitated. Are you in Mississippi?

    • Lindsay
    • August 28, 2016

    I have a 6 1/2 year old Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua mix. I got him from a holistic doctor who said she was a rescue. He grew up in Tijuana, Mexico. And, he was clearly mistreated or abused. Same difference. I have had him for 3 years. In 2015, he bit me on my face over five times. He was relinquished, and put into Quarantine for ten days. I took him out of there, and worked with him. He has been obedient except for him nipping at my hand when I showed children how to pet him properly on his chest gently. Then he came over to me when I was sitting on the toilet and he nipped at me on my hand then. Then he air snapped me when my newborn and I was laying on the bed , and I told him to get off. My foot was near him. One other time he nipped at my fingers when I tried to pet him after he put his paws on the bed, and I told him down. What do I do to curb this behavior? Is it possible to stop it or is alike an abusive man that keeps abusing?

      • Sheri
      • March 1, 2018

      Id drop that dog off at the nearest animal shelter,that dog isnt worth having ur face eventually mutilated, or ur children,or even be liable if it mutilates a visitor!my niece was bit in the face on New Year’s 2016 a dog that looks like the target dog.?anyways she was at a party+there were 2 dogs,a male+female that was in heat,so the male was being very aggressive+she was scared,but the female came by her alone+she pet it+it latched on 2her face,her boyfriend couldn’t get her off +it tore half her beautiful lips+cheek off,she got 2the ER with a piece of her lip in her hand,as the main artery in her face was shooting out blood!thank god a top surgeon was on call that night+he did a good job sewing her up she had 188 stitches,the dogs were visiting from out of state,but there owner stayed the 10 days they were both quarantined+we found out they’d bitten 3xs in their State!louisiana has a 2x bite limit law,my niece is scared 2death of dogs now!she has PTSD+has no feeling in her face+has 2wait 2get it fixed 4a few more months,but the dog owners are actually famous restaurant owners all over the world+was visiting his family+his Italian restaurant in New Orleans 4the New Year,so she now has a $1.5million lawsuit!shes never been the same since this happened!id get rid of that dog! If it bit at ur infant,i wouldve knocked him cold out!pepper spray his ass! Human life means more than any animal! I adore my Chihuahua,but biting over+over in the face +breaking the skin!!! No way!! Thats what local animal shelters are for!!if the dog bites a visitor,you will be liable for medical,pain+emotional suffering!a dog isnt worth losing everything you own,if it bites someone+seriously injures them!

    • Natalie
    • July 29, 2016

    Our chihuahua is a 1yrs 2months old, she has been doing fine with my 2 yr old grandson but in the last few days She has actually bit him 3 times now since Sunday twice on the cheeks and one on his hand. Not sure why I know he went to pet her once and tried to touch his kiss her and she bit him. I know at times he gets kind of rough with her playing but she plays with him and starts licking and wrestling with him. sometimes they play and she nips his heels but now its like a bit and scares my grandson. She does not like my 3yr nephew she will bark and bark at him them when he gets near her starts nipping at him.

    Any suggestions.

      • Ladidiamondc
      • December 24, 2016

      I hope its better now one bite mine is gone 0 tolerance for bitting

        • Margie Covington
        • November 19, 2017

        If you don’t give a chance for the chi to be corrected then you shouldn’t have a chi or any dog for that matter. I have been bitten by my male chi so many times i stopped counting…..and Taz is still here.

    • Leigh
    • July 25, 2016

    We took in a chihuahua/min pin mix. He is 6 yrs old and neutered and in good health. His previous person was taking him to the shelter because he bites. I have been paying close attention to what causes this behavior. If we pick him up to get him off the bed he growls, but if I speak calmly to him he stops growling. The problem is really with visitors. He is so agressive, bites their feet and is just awful. He goes nuts if anyone approaches the house. Our other two dogs are quite mellow and while they will bark to warn us someone is coming, they pick up our cues and are friendly. This little guy is mean. He is also very aggressive with large dogs, and has been bitten once in the short time we’ve had him. We have to keep him leashed at the dog park and it takes all my attention to keep him from trying to kill some dog that outweighs him by 80 lbs. Does anyone have suggestions? I’m ready to take him to the shelter myself, but I know he won’t find a home if he’s a biter.

      • Michelle
      • February 13, 2017

      Mine do the same I’m about ready to take him to the shelter to he bites he is mean too I know he won’t get adopted I’ve tried to have patience I can’t have him bite anybody he runs after kids and people

        • Jayne
        • September 3, 2018

        Over 12,000 chihuahuas get surrendered every year they aren’t a breed people can handle so maybe stop treating them like a toy & train them from day one.

      • Crystal
      • April 8, 2018

      I adopted a chihuahua cross from the pound about 8 months ago. He was supposed to be 14 pounds but he was really only 9 and in bad condition. As he got well and gained weight he got mean. He is 10. I would try to go to bed and up he would jump trying to attack my face growling and biting. I would just flip him over with the blankets and tell him No. I also noticed he didn’t really like eating. I have another dog that knows tricks. So I started teaching my old dog tricks. He grumbled and growled but in the end he started enjoying doing tricks and eating. He also was trying to run away from me ever time I walked him. To my amazement he got away from me the other day and he came to me when I called him. Will wonders never cease. Awe. Today I saved a tiny grumpy terrible chihuahua. Now my old grumpy dog will help me be this new ones teacher. Never thought that would happen. Be firm. Be tough. Love them. And one day your grumpy dog will change into a nice dog.

    • Becky Goodale
    • April 22, 2016

    We just adopted a 6yr old male Chihuahua from a rescue that the rescue group sent to a behaviorist to correct his biting and barking. Once we had him home we noticed how thin he was and that he was not eating. since his back was hunched we asked the rescue group for his vet check which they had not done. Over the next week and a half I tried to get him to eat and he only ate small amounts. I finally took him to my vet to find out a lot of his teeth were loose probably due to malnutrition. After a good cleaning and removal of 7 teeth he is eating better.
    From what I understand small breeds are prone to bad teeth and this can cause the dog pain and biting and being grouchy. check the teeth or other sources of pain your dogs may have.

      • Linda J
      • June 3, 2016

      Thanks Becky G.

    • Antwon is dabbing
    • February 14, 2016

    I am a proud mother of 49 chihuahuas and with two more on the way, I think that if you give them too many toys and you suddenly take the toys away all of your chihuahuas will become very hostile and will go on a rampage and you will surely die.

    P.S. Don’t get too many toys

    • Dot
    • October 29, 2015

    Chihuahua puppies chew chew chew. Dentastix mini’s are great as well as rawhide chew sticks. As far as biting, most have that trait. If you want a dog that doesn’t bite, get a Lab or Golden. I tell mine a firm “NO” & walk away. When I can’t watch her, I put her in her crate which has food & water, a few toys & a pad. We take her out 6 times. Day & feed her Royal Canine for Chihuahua’s which is a great food. She eats twice a day. A Chi’s little quirks are so worth owning one of these little spitfires. They bring endless comedy & drama into our home. So worth it…If your Chi is a nipper, they are usually only loving to their owner, put them in another room when visitors come.

      • Deborah
      • May 18, 2018

      My vet said no rawhide’s. They expand in the stomach and can cause blockage.

    • Tara Portis
    • September 7, 2015

    I have a male chi that his owners left him behind when they moved. He bites. And it’s not for any particular reason . We could be petting him or just sitting watching tv and he’s sleeping at the end of my bed and he’ll wake up and charge us . I always make him go outside when he shows aggression of any kind. He is approx 4 1/2 yrs and I’ve had him for 2yrs. Don’t get me wrong he can be very loving and snuggling but we just don’t know when he will attack us

      • Diane S.
      • July 23, 2017

      I have the exact same problem with my poodle-chihuahua mix. The animal behaviorist suggests a few strokes, then stop to see if he wants us to continue by pawing at us. If not, stop touching him. I have been attacked by him in bed for no reason other than perhaps my pulling the sheets or moving my leg. I have also put him on Prozac. Look into conflict aggression and resource guarding. Also, stay away from bully sticks.

    • Kathy Odom
    • August 30, 2015

    My dog, Gracie is almost 11 years old. She has been my dog and loved me more than any human ever has. She is a chi. Lately, she will not even let me pick her up without trying to bite me and my husband. I’m very afraid of her. She tries to attack us, shows all her teeth and will not hesitate to bite. She’s never bitten our vet but tried really hard to today. He doesn’t know why the change in her. What can I do? I love her so much.

      • Susan
      • September 5, 2015

      I have had the same problem. 11 year old also. I took him to a Vet who ruled out trauma, took blood test and a physical assessment. All looks OK. She put him on Prozac and it has helped allot. I think being a rescue he has had a bad past. I took dominance back by straddling his neck area to prevent snapping. Throw a towel over him and pick him up, keeping “neck control”. It’s very sad I know and wish you well.

      • Leshia
      • November 28, 2015

      At times I think dogs could be in pain and lash out from not knowing who caused it. I know my old dog was more moody when he felt bad. Possibly let the vet see if he needs am anti inflamirory. He could be responding to a noise that happened at the time of some kind of trauma. It’s hard to tell. I just got a 2 months old chi and she has me going. Potty trained soon as I helped her, but bites constantly. Gotta get better and more toys.

        • Denise
        • April 16, 2016

        Make sure the dog doesn’t have a urinary tract infection. That will cause sudden changes in behavior.

          • Sandymal
          • June 1, 2016

          I agree with Denise as my very soft placid cocker spaniel had a urine infection unbeknown to me,I took her to a park and she usually gets on with all dogs and was trying to attack every dog there including a dobamen,So I would check that out if I was you

      • Lori
      • November 25, 2016

      Have vet check for kidney or urinary infections. Also try to go back to when she started acting strange and think back to try and figure What changed

    • Mary
    • August 28, 2015

    I have had many chihuahua’s and chihuahua mixes as my best friend. My first was a beautiful little girl who came from a breeder. I met her at a pet shop and realized that I could have a dog since I owned my own home. Silly me. Sherry soon ruled my home but I always loved her. When I brought home little Tiger (small boy from a rescue), she was thrilled, but did not want to share her bowl. She actually bit his ear and drew blood. I went to work to show her this was not the thing to do. As soon as she reacted negatively to Tiger, I scooped her up and placed her in my bathroom and turned off the lights (for 3 minutes at the most, never longer). When I opened the door, she was so sorry. It only took a month and she never tried to bit Tiger again, but she didn’t want to play with him. I found another little guy abandoned in a parking lot with bruses on his little chest. You never strike/hit these dogs! Chico needed a home and became best buddies with Tiger. It’s now eleven years since I found Chico. Sherry & Tiger have passed away from old age. Chico is elderly and doesn’t want to play with my other three young girls (chi mixes from the pound). I’ve had the best luck with pound puppies. They don’t require much space, love to be in a pack, are very gratefull and never forget you saved them. If not, just very carefully scruff them by the loose skin on the back of the neck as a mother dog does. A time out in the bathroom worked for Sherry. How could anyone be afraid of 6lb dog?!!! I love mine.

      • Lynn
      • June 2, 2018

      The scruff thing hasn’t worked for our new Chi. 13 weeks old now and she’s obviously going through the teething phase. Nothing stops her from getting wild when she’s playing. She starts biting my hands like everybody else is saying, but scolding, a sharp NO, a gentle shake by the scruff of her neck, she just dives right back in, In full attack mode….

    • Karen
    • July 10, 2015

    My chi I’ve had for 4 years has started trying to bite me and snarls at me and my husband. I’ve got a rescue chi I’ve had for a year who used to do this but now stopped. I don’t know what to do as I’ve got 2 girls. I’m not having him ruling me or biting anyone . I smacked his nose tonight as he bite me for no reason what so ever.

    • Dixie cook
    • June 24, 2015

    I have an 11month old chi he is a very loveable dog but he growls and showers his teeth when members of our family try to pat him.. But while he is growling he will give u kisses… What should I do? Please help

    • Bethany
    • June 15, 2015

    I need advice i have a 2yr old chihuahua and its a male when people come over he bites them and leaves a bruise he has bit 2 people and tries to other people and we have to put him in my bedroom

      • Mary
      • August 28, 2015

      Remember that he is small, scared and thinks he has to protect you from anyone else. So don’t force him to “like” other humans. Let him choose. Give him a rawhide stripe to bit, instead. If he likes it, he will protect it and growl, but all his attention will be on the strip. If I were only a tiny little guy with such a big job of protecting my human, I’d bite, too. Understand, protect him from all humans and big dogs. Slowly walk him and socialize him. Don’t force him. Petco is great for walks and socialization. Start out with short walks, no other pets (grabby humans). Only let other chi owners who understand try and come near, but don’t pet. When he feels safe, he won’t growl. Then they can make a fist and let him sniff it. If that’s ok with him, then perhaps try and pet. Remember, you are his world in his eyes. Don’t force him to be something he is not. He is not a so called cutie. He is YOUR brave and loyal Chihuahua, first.

      • Jill
      • November 11, 2015

      I have the same problem. My little girl is a terror whenever people come over. She terrorizes them. With us she is so sweet but man, it is like she is possessed. Any good tips you have received on this?

    • Bernadette
    • June 11, 2015

    I have a 2yo Chihuahua mix. She is a rescue and I get a sense has been abused in the past. Our main problem is that when we have guests over, she becomes extremely aggressive and tries to bite. We have to lock her in other rooms away from our guests. It doesn’t matter the age- she’s tried to bite my 80 yo mom.
    Any advice for this?

      • Mary
      • August 28, 2015

      Understand that your little girl is protective of you. She is also protective of her self. She does not think she is a cute little lap warmer and does not want to entertain anyone. Knowing that, think of how she would feel if she was a beautiful 20 year old woman who was only 6 lbs. and placed on lap of a stranger big ugly man. I’d bite them, too. Instead, try walking her. Socialize her. Don’t force her to entertain your guests. They certainly aren’t her guests. She has eyes only for you and she loves only you. As you let her explore her world and chose who to trust, you will see who and what she likes and dislikes. She is not a golden retriever. She is a very special little dog, so treat as such. I don’t force my dogs to like anyone and I have four.

    • Rosa
    • May 20, 2015

    How Long does the teething last ? My chiwawa is 5 months and tiny but she seems to be biting more and snaps. She doesn’t tear my skin but she def shows her teeth and is constantly play biting with my hands. Please help! I want her to be sweet and nice and she is for the most part but she is spoiled. Did I totally mess up by spoiling her and having her stay in bed with me and holding her and kissing her constantly ? She just turned five months. Thank you.

    Worried owner

      • Sally
      • November 10, 2016

      My baby is the same she is 4 months old. Ive found that a loud NO and making a loud noise, say with a book or something to get her attention seems to work and when shes trying to bite me she thinks its a game. I just hold her like a baby and give her a chèwy like you would give a baby a bottle. I have to say that the louder the NO and a loud sound to go with it works the best. Then find a word that he/she understands. I use Settle. It works 😎 or act like he/she hurt you.

      • Lisa
      • April 7, 2017

      I have the same problem with my male chihuahua he is 11wks old and all he does is bite and nip I just wish it would stop I have been trying to get him to stop but nothing is working same as training him he came from a breeder at 10 wks old and they paper trained him he won’t even go outside if he does he constantly whines to go back in help I need help please

    • Kayley
    • April 28, 2015

    Hi,iv just adopted a 5yrs old male full chihuahua and he has bit my nose. I think this was my own fault as I picked him up when he was sleeping & stuck my face into him but he is now showing aggression when I walk him especially with big dogs or people with walking sticks.i have asked a behaviour specialist what to do and they said don’t pick him up,cuddle him ,don’t let him up on setee but find this so hard as he is so loving and just wants stoking and cuddled all the time.he even pulls your arm back when you stop stroking him.does anyone no why this is?no one can stoke him or he’l growl but once he has sniffed and Sussed them out he’l get on there knee and let them stroke him no bother

      • Darlene
      • May 20, 2016

      Please text me if you found a solution to your 5 month old puppy. I just got mine and she’s 3 months and they could be twins. She wont sleep if she’s not next to me. I can’t leave her sight.Im by myself so no one teasers her but the biting has to stop. I tell her NO! and and omg she gets worse. Like she has a demons got control. My son took 2 from the same litter and they are angels. He says go to ur cage and they go. I tell mine that and she charges at me. I clueless as to what to do. I love her so much. Please any advise???

        • Karen
        • June 29, 2016

        My chi is almost 4 months old. We got him when he was 5 weeks and I fell in love instantly. In order to have a peaceful night, I allowed him to sleep with me. It worked, and still does except, now he sneaks out of bed and poops and pees wherever he chooses and wakes me up by scratching my arms and nipping at my hands. He has been biting since the very first night and I am guilty of letting him because I didn’t want to punish him in any way. Now I am his chew toy. I can’t walk anywhere in the house without him attacking my feet, ankles, and legs. He has drawn blood a few times. I know he thinks he’s playing but it is really frustrating and hurts like crazy. I have tried telling him NO and doing the ignoring thing, doesn’t work. I love him to pieces but am at my wits end.

        • Shirley
        • August 24, 2016

        We have a 6 month old. When she is teething bad she can be a demon. Out vet has us giving her carrots to chew on and she will gnaw on then and also eat them. They are hard and cold and she using them to help her teeth. She really likes them. Vet also said apple slices. But our pup doesn’t like them. Do not use those small carrots snack ones you buy in the store, vet says they can be swallowed by pets. And the nylabone also use with Vet recommendation. Now she getting older and teething must be to the end she only acts up every so often and I get her cold carrot with butt and small tops cut off she likes the taste of them. Maybe this will help someone.

        • Kim Burris
        • September 12, 2016

        Darlene, I know this is a few months old but is yours food motivated? With the crate training & other training I’ve found training bites that they love, works wonders & as for the biting you have to make sure they know & feel you are the full alpha of your pack!! Mine’s a 2 yr old male I rescued with the same Dr Jeckle Mr Hyde personality, when I first rescued him Ohhh what a controlling dominant demon but after he realized I am the alpha he’s gotten so much better, I still have to avoid certain things because it sets him off & he growls but if you pay close attention you’ll learn the trigger points & just avoid them until you get it under control!!!

        • Penni
        • October 15, 2016

        mine is 2 years old and i am at the end of my rope. he also bites for no reason. we can go days without an episode. today he was on the couch, getting petted and seemed happy. suddenly he went into one of his rages. he bit me several times, breaking skin twice.

        he hates my niece and was trying to get at her one day when my mom got between them. he bit my mom. he saw cat food on my mom’s porch, and bit my aunt when she tried to lock him into the house so he wouldn’t get it. she was trying to put meds in the cat’s food at the time.

        since he was a baby he would go into rages. i am thinking that teeth removal will be my last resort. i don’t want to put him down, but these rages have to be stopped somehow.

        • Sally
        • November 10, 2016

        Tell her NO with a loud voice and add something to go with it like a book. She thinks its a game, you have to dhow her its not!! I have had the same problem with my 4 month old. You have to be stern, pick her up by the scruff of the neck. She will yelp, but she thinks Mommy. Also, never hut her say NO in a loud voice how ever many times it takes and use a tool like a book and slam it down on the ground. Personally, i found that grabbing her by the scruff of the neck like a mommy dog would and verbally tell her NO. Also I found a calming word like settle. But never let her chew softly on your hands or fingers cause that confuses her. Its never OK to even lightly chew or nibble on your hands. Hope this helps you😎

          • Gabriella
          • December 17, 2016

          That’s ridiculous you can’t scruff puppies like cats! She Yelp because it hurts 😒

    • ana
    • March 17, 2015

    My dog Simon bites on every thing, he even broke my lawn mower string. How can he stop from getting into a mess. He’s so noisey!!!

    • April
    • January 12, 2015

    I have a ten week old chiweenie named Cinnamon, she is very aggressive and bites my hands and snaps at me on a daily basis, she had plenty toys.I’m afraid to take around anyone or my grand babies because I don’t want them to get bit.

    Help me!!

    • Tim McG
    • January 3, 2015

    I seriously do not get this don’t physically punish a chihuahua for biting. In the wild, how do animals show their dominance over another dog? Answer: They bite, they snarl they act physically agressive. And you’re telling me we humans should not? Why? I have found that in addition to verbal commands like saying “No” if Fido still isn’t getting the message a sharp tap on the end of the nose does the trick. It is a dog, not a basket of raw eggs, OK? Now I am NOT talking about beating the dog. Beating an animal is wrong and it is always wrong, but to take away the best physical tools we have to use as a last resort is sheer foolishness. They need to know who is boss and the animal way is through physical touch or control. Think like a dog not a psychologist.

      • Sally
      • November 10, 2016

      A smack on the nose with this dog goes strait to her brain. Neurologically, it can damage her permanently. There are better ways to deal with her.

        • Dawn
        • January 26, 2017

        I have a 5 month old girl Chi. I have found that a Loud No! Followed by a loud slap on couch or door works. I also use a small squirt bottle to stop her from being over zealous with our 56 year old girl Chi works.

          • Dawn
          • January 26, 2017

          6 year female Chi, not 56 years old! Lol

    • Leasha
    • December 6, 2014

    Hi I have a 13 weeks chi she just keeps biting my 4 year old daughter what do I do

    • amanda
    • November 25, 2014

    My chihuahua is 2 yrs old and she keeps attacking my 10 yr old tea cup poodle. She has just started doing this and I don’t know what to do? I love them and would appreciate any ideas.

      • Sally
      • November 10, 2016

      Shes simply jealous or there is something going on with your older dog medically. I would take your older dog to the vet.

    • kelly
    • November 15, 2014

    i have a 1 year old chi who has recently started to snap at people and kids in the street, he only started doing this when our other chi got attacked and killed by another dog in front of him and then a few months down the line a couple of teenage girls were trying to antagonise him.
    Im not sure if its because he is now alone, we are getting another puppy next year so am hoping it will calm it down but cant let this carry on, is there any training tips anyone can give me to help stop this behaviour? he is usually such a loving dog and hate seeing him act up in this way.

    • Silver
    • November 11, 2014

    Hello, okay so I just recently got a 3yr old, female Chihuahua ( Possibly mix ) From a Friend, of a Friend. Her previous owners, could no longer take care of her, plus they had her outside and it was getting cold. So they chose to give her away, rather then bring her in.

    Much to my surprise, when I bring her home. I find out, that she is an extremely timid, and shy Girl. And isn’t fond of loud noises at all. She also wasn’t very fond of my other two Dogs. Angel, a 7yr old Chihuahua mix, and Katsu, a Beagel/Dachshund mix. Since she’s so scared, she attacks them for no reason.

    I’ve been working on this, her former owners hadn’t allowed her to interact with any other Animals at all. She is getting a lot better. And she’s even began playing with Katsu.

    They also had been feeding her Human food, nothing but table scraps. And they wonder why she hadn’t been eating her dog food. It was also, an extremely cheap food. If I was a Dog, I wouldn’t eat it either. It’s proving to be difficult breaking her of that Habit, but she’s slowly becoming acustom to chowing down on her own food. Kibbles and Bits.

    Now, you’re probably wondering what the problem is. It’s a biting problem. And it’s only towards my Sister. She’ll be sleeping beside her, and when she goes too move her, to get up or shift around, etc. She growls and bites at her hands. Now my Sister doesn’t take it well, and places her in the floor. In an angry mood, and I try to explain to her that it’s in a Chihuahuas genes. And that we just need to work on it.

    It irks me, that her former owners did nothing at all to train her. But if you’d please, offer some friendly advice I’d thank you kindly.

  1. Reply

    My Chihuahua Tipsy will not stop biting my Mum want him out of the house but i love him soo much i don’t want to part with him. I used soo much money to get him but now he is disappointing me.Ave tried even silent treatment but Tipsy bites everything including my Mum sofa set. kindly advice am not ready to loose him yet

  2. Reply

    We have a chi is about 3 1/2 years have had him for 1 1/2 years. He was a rescue dog heartworm positive. We got him thru all of that, healthy and happy, but having problems with biting us. Is very lovable and affectionate but if we allow him to vary from his routine, re sleeping, etc. he bites. If he gets too tired and doesn’t sleep at the exact time he is used to he bites us. If we take him outside with a coat on (we are in a colder climate) and bring him inside where it is warm and try to take his coat off, he bites us. We have been trying the social isolation method to correct this but have been slow with success. Is this common behavior with these dogs? Other than this he is very affectionate and intelligent and obedient

    • sue
    • October 15, 2014

    My chihuahua richard is 10 and had his shots 3 days ago when I went to pick him up he went to bite me. I’m so upset I cryed. He has never done that before. Thank u for the infoe I feel better.

    • Zoee
    • August 25, 2014

    @Julie, from what I understand from your story was Mitzi are trying to dominant over you. My Chi used to behave this way when he was 2 months old. Is Chi nature to nip or bite. You will need to consistently correcting Mitzi behavior unfortunately only repetitive training can help. Because of their small nature is kind of hard to chase or correcting them. Best would be on collar and chained when correcting any unwanted behavior till repetitive

    • Julie
    • July 31, 2014

    So I just got a Chiweenie two days ago, it was from my godmother so I’m not necessarily sure how old it is. Her name is Mitzi Lee and she is very small. She’s a dachshund and a chihuahua and she loves to bite. She’ll nip at my hands, my feet, my ankles, my thighs, my ears, anything really. When she nips at my hands I was told to make a yelping noise, but it doesn’t work. Ever. Whenever I pull back or ignore her she just comes back and bites harder every time. I’m forced to gently push her away. Her toys are always on the bed for her and I feed her regularly. She goes outside quite often, around four or five times a day for about 5 to 10 minutes each. Sometimes she has moments where she’ll get wild and hop off the bed, bite my fingers, run all around and just be a pain, may I mention that I’m typing this at 6:14 am. I got absolutely no sleep and I just had to put her in her crate and put her down stairs because she was attacking me. She doesn’t hurt much, but she repetitively bites over and over and it’s irritating. My mom smacks her in the face but I tell her not to. She tells me she knows best, but not when it comes to animals.
    I’m usually great with all animals.
    Please help me! I don’t want her to be a biting dog and if she continues I can’t have her stay.

      • Dawn
      • January 26, 2017

      Having a baby Chi is like having a baby. They need consistency, patience, consistant training. A schedule. Lots of love and interaction. I have 5 month old chi Bella. The first two months, no sleep. Do not use the crate for punishment. Do not hit, she will only learn to be defensive. I have mine on a schedule like I had my vabies on. She has a playpen with her soft bed and blanket. I use this for nap time and when I need to shower. Never let her run unsuoervised. Potty training is hard, but she is getting it after 3 months. She .ow comes to me and varjs or whines. They do talk to you. Use command words consistently: NO, OUTSIDE POTTY, OUTSIDE POOPOO. TREAT. HOUSE, COME followed by name. Be firm and consistant. If she bites whitle your fingers and you push her away. She thinks youre playing. Pull your hands back and say NO BITE! and walk away. Reward good behavior. I also use a squirt bottle when she is doing unfavorable behavior. Squirt followed by NO and her name. Hope it helps.

    • July 30, 2014

    so this is a real problem i mean but i have been trying to do this for 10 weeks and i just well she went to bite me and i looked her straight in eye and i said NO and u will never guess this is what happened and i felt really bad but she gave me that sad look and bent down and went to her bed i guess since well i have never yelled at her like that before and she actually listened i was just so surprised cause she has never listened to me like that.

    • Jasmine
    • July 13, 2014

    Hi. When my 4 month old chi nips I tell her NO and put her down which is when she goes to her crate to sulk. I make a point of NEVER reaching into her crate. I always call her and have her come out on her own. I think this is why she willingly goes there. It’s her own special place to hang out or sulk or for her to be alone if she wants to.
    The problem we’re having now is her growling when she sleep and we want to mover her ie. from the couch or our laps. Any suggestions?

      • Theresa
      • July 22, 2015

      Maybe give her a treat just b4 u put it on her and then after she got it on xx

    • Irish
    • April 29, 2014

    What would you suggest for a hand-shy and food-aggressive biter? I recently adopted an 18 month old failed show prospect (he was cryptorchid, and although otherwise a perfect conformation candidate, could never be shown because of the hereditary nature of the condition). I had him neutered within a couple of weeks of adopting him, and he has now been neutered for approximately 2 months, so he is about 21 months of age, now.

    His biting occurs either when you try to pet him from the front, or pick him up, and/or when he’s eating or wants to eat something you may have. He is improving with the hand-shy issue, and getting easier to approach from the front or from above, at least with me. Not so much with others–but I’m the one training him, and rewarding him with a treat when he allows the touch of a hand without shying away or trying to bite. However, nothing I’ve tried seems to be working with the food aggression. It’s bad enough that he’s food aggressive if you (or one of my other toy breed dogs) get near him while he eats, but he will also sometimes come all the way from across the kitchen to attack your feet (a distance of 6’10’, depending on which part of the kitchen you’re in) if he happens to be eating. Physical punishment is not an option. My preference is for positive reinforcement for good behavior, and simply ignoring (with or without a sharp “NO” if he’s doing something he shouldn’t) the behavior, when possible. It can, however, be difficult when it comes to a biting dog. Even a tiny one can cause problems if they bite a human, and this little guy can actually draw blood. I know this from unfortunate esperience!

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    • Enaida
    • April 6, 2014

    Hi my pinky (her name) chihuahua is 3 months old she she weight 1pound go to the pad to do her stuff i have her in a playpen and the grate inside shes been good the only think is the bitting and wen i put her sweter omg she get so tense and start bitting me she needed were i live is cold shes ok after im put it on, im confuse, maybe she do not like? What should i do? Thanks.

      • SuAnn
      • October 11, 2015

      Irish I have to tell you this you are way over your head if you’re allowing without any kind of physical pulling up on the dog’s neck collar or tapping on the nose that behavior is only going to get worse you can also isolate him to a crate and that would be your ignoring him not just letting him run around because that’s not correcting anything and I know because I’ve been there I have scars to show for it when I finally got down to business and wasn’t going to take it anymore I put those two things into effect but I also rewarded good behavior when it came and another thing I did I did not reward the behavior until the dog remain submissive in other words calm down and withdrew those beady eyes showing teeth, barking and it worked but it did take some time everything in me is telling me to write you this and don’t think those dogs can’t do destruction without biting it get worse okay I just had to tell you please feel free to let me know if this is Helpful SuAnn

        • Penni
        • October 15, 2016

        please don’t pull on your chi’s collar. their throat is very fragile and can be easily crushed. a slip leash is better because it goes up around the head instead of staying around the throat.

        i can tell you though that sometimes it is impossible to tap them on the nose- they move faster than i do and it is such a tiny target. plus it doesn’t always work.

        i have also found that they don’t respond well to any bullying.

    • Jennyb
    • February 16, 2014

    I have got a male chi who is probably about 1 1/2 I’ve never had a problem, he’s always been “my boy” I tap him on the bum if he wees up something but then again I always have but not hard litterelly like a tiny tap. Recently same scenario he peed on my clean washing I went to tap his bum and he ran away since then the has tried to bite me several times and now doesn’t want to know me. I have a 4 year old and I don’t want to risk her getting bitten but at the same time I don’t want to give up on him. His tail is always curled under when I’m in the room, he won’t look at me anymore it’s really getting me down he will turn his head as far as he can to avoid looking at me. He seems fine with my daughter although I’m not letting her get too close at the moment and is fine with my partner. Any tips or ideas?? I do have another chi that is pregnant but I don’t think that can be anything to do with it as he is fine when I’m around her he doesn’t react or anything?

      • Giacci
      • December 11, 2014

      my chi does that as well… when I yell at her or tell her no, she wont look at me for hours. try sweet talking? it works for my girl. They hold grudges for some reason.

        • Latosha Marks
        • January 17, 2016

        Did it get better? My dog is chi is doing that now since I tapped him for bitting me on the lip when I wanted kisses, an curling his lip. He is only 4 months old…. it seems he loves everyone but me right now…

        • Brandon
        • February 2, 2016

        I have a 2yr old and a 4yr old chi both Males the 4yr is Mine had him since he was 1 and the 2yr old is my fiancés. My 4yr old did this recently as well I just started giving him more treats and poof went the grudge. Now when we moved in together they have become best buds but are way to protective of the house to the point of biting people and breaking the skin a stern no isn’t working neither is holding him on his back just flat out confused.

    • Brindy
    • February 4, 2014

    I have a 10 month old Chihuahua mix. She is cute, playful and somewhat trained. I did have a hard time training her not to poop in the house at first. Then I observe her on how long it takes her after she eats that she has to poop and pee. Once I know that ( for her, its two hours), I take her out. Now I don’ have a problem. At night, I put a pee pad in the bathroom and she pees on it if she needs to. My only problem now is how to stop her frm biting even playfully

    • February 3, 2014

    Ive been teaching my 3 month old basic commands and he is learning it fairly well. Here are only two things i cant teach, to stop him from biting and where to poop or take his leak. I hope this article helps me on the biting problem.

    • Dhruv Bhagat
    • January 13, 2014

    If you want your dog to prevent biting, you have to spend some time with your dog.. Knowing dog’s behavior is the perfect idea to know the reason behind dog’s aggressiveness. This will help you and your dog in a playful mood..!!

    Thanks for writing on this wonderful topic on a specific breed too.. I would love to have Chihuahua as my new pet 😀

    • E.M
    • December 21, 2013

    You should NEVER use your crate as a punishment or time out! Time outs are human psychology!! If your dog bites a firm “NO,” and put the dog on the floor if hes on the couch, otherwise ask your dog for a behaviour you DO agree with, sit, down, etc; and REWARD that behaviour!! NEVER hit your dog!

    Your dogs crate should be a positive and safe place for him/her. As this is their version of a den. They need to be able to go in and out as they please to insure that they feel safe in their own environment!!

    • Olivia Peters
    • November 28, 2013

    I believe my dog is a chihuahua and was miss treated before I got him so I am wondering how to stop his biting? My dog has bit there daughter and they want him gone.I am staying at relatives for now and they want my dog gone. I do not want to give him away . But I don’t know what.

    Olivia peters

    1. Reply

      Be patient and focus on positive reinforcement rather than punishment. When your Chihuahua begins to show signs of aggression (growling, showing teeth, tense body, etc.), tell them “NO” in a stern manner followed by ignoring them. It’s your tone of voice that will tell them who’s the leader (YOU!). On the other hand, when your Chihuahua is docile and affectionate, show your appreciation with petting, praise and the occasional treat.

        • Giacci
        • December 11, 2014

        So you say to reward by petting and what not. I rescued my dog and I believe she was abused. She gets aggressive sometimes when I go to put on her jacket to go outside for a walk. And when she gets to the point of being mad and lashing out, she sees red and sometimes wont come back from it for a straight minute or so, so saying no doesnt always work. I dont know what else to do. I love her so much but she has made me afraid of her.

          • Lady
          • February 21, 2016

          She’s taking the role of alpha in this situation. You need to establish dominace and take the role of alpha. If you need help with this search for training a dog in a pack.

            • Tammy
            • March 2, 2017

            My chihuahawar bites kids not teens or a grow up he bite my Cousin In the nose and a almost took her whole nose off and he scratched me and bite my cheek

    • michele carson
    • November 23, 2013

    oh i think a have done a good job for a few things .he is puppy pad trained for both it was a lot of work but we made it and i feed him three times aday he eats very good and he do have alot of toys the ones that u r talking about i live in a apartment so he don’t no how to potty out side i fell i’m half way there it hurts when he bites me so i need help thanks again

    • michele carson
    • November 23, 2013

    i thank u so much for putting the words up so i can try to have and love my pet more he is driveing my crazy i had him sense he’s been 5wks. i love him and i have put a lot of money in him his name is papi thank u again for your kind words to help me.i will give him away befor i hurt him thank u again i hope to here from u

    1. Reply

      Hang in there Michele! Training isn’t always easy, but your Chihuahua will eventually come around if you remain persistent and focus on positive reinforcement. Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with.

      • Paul Valerio
      • April 1, 2014

      We just got a long hair chi that is 3 weeks away from getting his first set of shots, (sorry forgot how many weeks he is), we are trying to train him not to bit and chew on everything and was also wondering what kinda of treats to buy him like brand wise and do we buy biskets or what? We did buy some but he won’t even eat them.. we mainly need tips on the chewing and bitting ( which I think is because he is teething) and what kind of toys are best for him?

        • Trisha Byers
        • September 6, 2018

        Wee have an 8 week old girl chi & shes constantly biting us!! HELP!!

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